Ice Horse

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Melody looked out at the rare sight. A ice horse. It stood in front of her eyes just a short distace away. Its eyes looked into hers. She expected it to startle and move away from her but it came closer. The pure white creature swung its white mane. It's blue eyes sparkled with life and hope. The most amazing feature however was the silvery horn on its forhead, glistening in the light. A more common name for the ice horse was unicorn. The ice horse's magic was drawn to Melodys magic. The ice horse took another step, the horse was now at her side. She stroked the horses coat and mane. She was enchanted to be near this amazing animal.

A growl sounded from the trees. Suddenly a white wolf emerged from the forest. Melody backed away but other wolves came untill she was surrounded. The ice horse stayed with her although she must have been terrifyed. Melody clutched the horses mane. A wolf lundged for the ice horse but Melody jumped  in front. There sharp claws left a huge gash in her arm. Horrified and in pain Melody could do nothing as the first wolf lundged at the ice horse. The wound immediatly healed over. Melody was left wide eyed and suprized. Without thinking Melody leaped on the horses back and they rode back to the cave. What Melody didn't know was only one of royal blood could ride a Ice horse.

The wolves were left in surprize. Not sure what they had seen they went back to their master to tell him what they saw. Their master was a brain dead zombie who was very dumb. He wanted to use the healing power for himself. He didn't know how to acomplish this so he sought the help of an old friend. The only thing was this friend was known for double crossing people. He came up with a plan to capture the girl and the unicorn. He had little intention of giving them to the zombie though. His plan was to hand the girl over to the King of Hell for a reward. As for the unicorn he would steal her horn. The horn of an ice horse is pure magic. With it he would be extreamly powerful.

The next day an unsuspecting Melody wrapped her arm up tight and set off into the forest with the ice horse by her side. While she was gone Penny and Carl were bound and gagged and the scarecrows head ripped off. The zombie was left to guard the prisoners.

After an uneventful trip Melody retured with a armfull of fruit. The ice horse followed her faithfully. Sometimes the cheaky horse would take a piece of fruit from Melodys pile. When they returned to the cave they were tied up. Melody squirmed but could not escape. Melody asked  the man while he was tieing her up, "What is your name?"

In reply he had tapped his gun, "Mr.Shot."

Melody rolled her eyes at the unimaginitive name. Mr. Shot left the zombie guarding them. Melody twisted her hands behind her and worked the knot loose. slipping her hands out she wondered what to do next. She wasn't close enough to her friends to untie them. Insperation struck. She had been tied but not gagged. She could use her voice, where as her friends could not. She could also sing. She sung a slow lullaby that sent the gormless zombie to sleep. She freed Penny and Carl. Melody told them to escape to Betty to see if she was ok. As for Fred the scarecrow, she picked up his head and placed it near his body. she took a penknife from the shelf and scraped the ice horses horn. A glittery powder floated down and onto the scarecrows neck. He glowed a vivid silver. The light stired the zombie. He awoke.

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