The Window

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Melody paced back and forth. Her thoughts played round in everlasting circles. Then she spotted a envolope sitting on the bedside table. It was small and lying face down. It was obvious to her there was some kind of spell on the envolope because she would have noticed it earlier.

She moved over to the desk and turned the envolope over. Her name printed in capitals was the only thing on the front of the envolope. she slid her finger under the lid and opened the letter. Inside was one piece of crisply folded paper. It simply had a title printed across the page, King of Hell. Those three words sent a chill down her spine and her mind was made up.

She stood on the ledge and slowly lowerd one leg down. Standing with one foot on the thin ledge, Melody swung down her other leg. Taking a deep breath Melody hung tight to the window frame. She glanced over her shoulder. The sheer hight astounded her, she felt dizzy for a moment. Quickly she looked back to the wall. Agonisingly slowly she edged downwards. Then her foot found the bottom of the window pane. Breathing a sigh of relif she swung into the window.

She came face to face with big, round eyes. Startled Melody took a step back and almost fell out of the window in her haste. The eyes belonged to a round face with skin that was too pale for her dark hair. Her face jutted out at wierd angles and Melodys heartbeat slowed. It was simply a doll. Luckily no one else but her and the doll were in the room. Looking around Melody saw a unmade bed, a dresser and personal possesions scatterd around the room. It was someones bedroom.

Melody walked over to the door and listened for a moment. No voices. She turned the handle and pulled at the door. It didn't budge. Feeling stupid Melody corrected herself and pushed the door. It stayed firmly shut. Someone had locked it from the outside. Melody cursed at her own stupidity. Why did she not think that the door could be locked?

Melody pulled out her little blade, shoved it in the door and turned. Nothing happened. She wobbled it around and still nothing. Melody sighed. She should have known it wouldn't have been as easy as the books she read made it sound.

Bending down she peered into the lock. A big round hole in the middle and a jagged edge at the top. She looked closer and saw a little metal block sticking out from the top. She was about to put the blade into the lock when she heard footsteps. She stayed very still in the hope they would just pass by. She heard a jingling of keys being turned in the lock. Panicked Melody looked around. The closest hiding place was across the room. The door slowly opened.

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