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Ming parked the car at their garage, and opened the door for his wife. Once his wife was out, he turned the engine off and jog to Kit's side. Ming hooked his arms to Kit's slim waist as they walk inside the house.

"So how was your day KitKat?" Ming asked as he peeked at his KitKat.

"Hmm~ just as expected, tiring as always, the guys are fussing over our honeymoon and stuff." Kit replied while chuckling, remembering his friends' reaction earlier.

"Well, you also did the same to them after they went back to their honeymoon..." Ming reasoned, trying to hold his laugh.

"Hahaha. I know."

As soon as Ming opened the door, their 'children' greeted them while wagging their tails.

"We're home na~" Kit said while patting their heads.

"Good evening sirs." Their maid greeted them. "Dinner is ready."

"Thank you." Both said in unison, and their maid went out.

Both were eating quietly , until Kit broke the silence. 

"So, how was your work?" Kit asked as he ate.

"Same old, same old Kitkat~ So many things to catch up, but it's fine." Ming replied smugly. 


"Ahh, I almost forgot, the company will be having some sort of event this Saturday, are you free?" Ming added.

"Saturday...? Hmmm~ I'm not sure, what kind of event?" 

"Well, there is this orphanage where my cousin used to work, and since he pleaded me to held an event for the kids, I agreed. It's his way of thanking them for taking care of him and making the children happy." Ming answered.

"Really~? Didn't know my husband can be this kind~" Kit teased, then laughed afterwards. 

"Heyyy~ Kitkat~ I'm always kind."

"That's nice, but I don't think I could go, Ai'Pha and Beam might need my help." Kit reasoned. 

"Nevermind that Kitty, we already asked for permission from the Director."

Kit choked on his food after hearing it. 

"WHAAAATTT?!" He screamed. 

"Ouw. What do you mean what?" Ming asked innocently.

"This bastard." Kit mumbled. "I mean, what did you ask from the director? And what do you mean 'we'?" 

"Ohhh~ P'Forth, Yo and I asked the director to let you guys go to this Saturday's event, we asked some doctors and nurses to help in the medical check-up for the kids, and since they're friends with Yo's dad, he agreed immediately." Ming confidently answered. 

"Woah! I can't believe this man." His wife sighed and drank water. "If that's the case, why did you ask knowing all of these?" Kit added. 

"I can't help it~ Maybe you have other stuff to do." Ming reasoned. 

"Yeah right." Kit chuckled. 

"So, is it a yes?" Ming peered. 

"Idiot!" Kit smiled, making Ming smile too. 

After their dinner, Kit washed the dishes while Ming is wiping the table. 

"Ah, Ming..." Kit called out. 

"Yes honey?" 

"I asked Beam about the vits..." Kit hesitated. 

"So~? What did P'Beam say?" Ming came closer to Kit.

"Well, he said its okay, but...." 

"But what Kitkat?" Ming is interested.

"Beam became ....fat." Kit explained.

Ming  can't help but laugh hearing Kit's words.

"Ouu. Why are you laughing?" Kit asked curiously.

"Kitkat is being funny, that's why. Anyway, it's normal for a person to gain weight P. That means  it's working right? Or P'Forth feed him to much." Ming explained. 

"True....but I still have my doubts."

"Well, you can try some P, if you really don't like it, then you can stop. Anyway, its just vits." Ming states his reason. 

"Hmmm~ yeah, I think I'll try some first then I'll judge." Kit finally decides.

Later that night, he took one. At first, he finds it too sweet for his tastebuds, but later the flavor gradually changes and he began liking it, just like eating a candy, not too sweet, and not to bitter etc.

[A/N] I admit, I have abandoned this ff for 2 or 3 months..? I don't know, but it's good to be back. Thanks for being patient with me guys, I will update more often ^_^


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