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The Next Morning

Kit woke up early to prepare breakfast and prepare himself mentally for the checkup. He tried to convince his husband not to, but knowing Ming is stubborn, he decided to do so. Truth be told, he was feeling anxious for some unknown reasons, he feels something is off. He was deep in thought that he forgot the food he was cooking was starting to burn, he came back to his senses when the dogs started nudging his leg. He immediately turn off the stove and prepared the food at the table. Lately, the food always gets burnt whenever he cooks, he's distracted these past few days. 

While he was busy setting the table for breakfast, Ming came down and immediately hug Kit's waist and rested his head at Kit's neck. Kit could feel the warm breath of Ming against his neck, making him blush.

"Ming, stop doing that, let's eat na~" Kit offered. Ming tightened his hug at Kit, and nuzzled his neck.

"Ming. What's with you?" Kit asked as he turned around and Ming immediately embrace him. 

"I'm sleepy." Ming answered with a hoarse throat, Kit distance himself from him. 

"Go drink some water and eat, then go back to sleep." Kit ordered, Ming nodded and went to get a glass of water. He sat next to Kit and started eating his food. 

"This is so unlike you, didn't get enough sleep?" Kit voiced out, Ming nodded and drink his water.

"I couldn't sleep well, I have to monitor my wife." 

"Ai'ba! I told you I'm fine. You should sleep some more, we still have 3 hours before we go to the hospital." Kit suggested.

"Khrap. But what will you do while I sleep?" Ming asked making Kit shrug his shoulders.

"I don't know, probably something to kill time? Don't worry, I'll be fine." Kit assured.

"I won't allow that." Ming stated firmly.

"Sheesh! So stubborn, fine. After I was the dishes, I'll go with you upstairs, I could watch some tv or read something, better?"

"Much better." Ming smiled then continue eating his food. 


Hours passed and they are currently at the hospital. Once they enter the hospital, they were immediately greeted by a familiar person, Kit's nong, Suthee. 

"Sawadee khrap P." Suthee waied at Kit, then smiles. 

"Auww. Suthee, long time no see." Kit was ecstatic seeing his nong again. "What are you doing here?" 

"Ouw. I work here now P. Just transferred here a few months ago." Suthee replied.

"Hey, talk later you two." Ming interrupted. "Ai'Thee, can you take us to the Doctor Rey Chaiprasit? " 

"Sure, follow me." Suthee turned back and started walking. 

After a few minutes, they finally reached the doctor's room, they thanked Suthee and knock softly at the door. They open the door and slowly entered the room and waied at the doctor. 

"Good to see you Khun Kit and Khun Ming Dechapanya." The doctor greeted. 

"Good to see you again Doctor Rey." Ming greeted back and smiled. 

"So what brought you here?" The doctor asked. 

"Actually, I wanted to request you if you could check my wife. He fainted yesterday so I got worried." Ming explained. 

Married Life [MingKit Fanfiction] (2 Moons fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now