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The Next Morning

Ming was the first one to wake up, with a heavy heart  due to last night's 'tragic' event, he decided to freshen up before cooking some breakfast for his wife and the 'kids'. He took a last glance of his sleeping wife before heading to the kitchen to cook.

After cooking their breakfast, Ming fed his 'kids' then brought a tray to serve Kit his breakfast in bed. Upon entering the room, he saw Kit sitting up with disheveled hair. 

"Good morning Kitkat." Ming greeted him and put the tray in front of Kit.

"Ou. Thanks." Kit responded and started eating, all throughout the meal, they were both silent, knowing Kit is not a morning person and especially not the type of person who thinks clearly if he has not taken a bath yet. After the meal, Kit immediately went to the bathroom silently, Ming could sense his wife giving the 'awkward' vibe between them two. He went down to wash the dishes and do other chores to kill time if possible. 

Few minutes passed, Kit went downstairs and saw Ming watching some random tv commercials, so he called out to him. 


"Ou. You're done, I'll take a bath now." Ming said as he stand up.

"About last night-" Kit tried to start a conversation. 

"It's okay Kitkat, I understand you were tired. Don't worry about it." Ming assured and gave him a smile, but Kit is still uncomfortable about the situation. 

"I'm sorry, but-"

"I told you don't worry, although you left me hanging, I understand that you're tired. Don't overthink na~" Ming said and pecked Kit's forehead and left. 


All throughout the entire day, Kit feels something is off with Ming, he can't pinpoint what it is, but he guess that Ming could be sulking about last night, Kit can't blame him though, it's his fault after all, he just promise to catch up to Ming sometime soon. Their conversation is limited and not like their normal ones, Kit also feels Ming is avoiding him on purpose. He decided to talk to his husband later that night. 


"Ming." Kit called out. 


"We need to talk." Kit said shortly, making Ming look up and switch off his phone, he cleared his throat before speaking. 

"About what?" 

"About why you're avoiding me, and not talking to me as usual." Kit pointed out. 

"I'm not avoiding you." Ming reasoned out. 

"No, you're clearly sulking!" Kit detested. 

"Well- yes, but I'm not avoiding you."

"Liar! You're literally avoiding me, you can't even look at me in the eyes for more than 5 seconds!"

"That's not true. Look, Kitkat, I don't want to argue with you. I understand you were tired yesterday and I respect that." Ming said softly, trying to convince Kit. 

"Fine! But you're sleeping on the couch tonight." Kit said firmly. 

"Wha- KITKAT!!!! WHY?!!!!!!! I thought we're okay now?" 

"Yes we are, but I'm still mad at you for avoiding me. So go now!" Kit reasoned while pointing his index finger at the door. 

"I don't want toooo~ I want to sleep beside you na~~~~ please~~~" Ming whined while clasping his hand. 

"No! Go now!" Kit ordered, and Ming happily obeyed. 

Ming dragged his pillows and another blanket, he walked slowly, giving sad looks at Kit, not forgetting his sad puppy eyes, he thinks Kit could change his mind by doing so. 



But he was wrong! Kit was absolutely not looking at him despite all those sad glances Ming gives him. After the door closes, and making sure Ming was descending downstairs, Kit laughed his ass off, making him use a muffler to avoid being heard by Ming. Kit was such as tease, old habits die hard after all. 

Oh well, it's gonna be a long night for Kit, not being embraced by Ming tonight, still he drifted off to sleep. 

'It's okay for you to sulk, while I'm not? Where's the justice here?' Ming thought to himself as he positioned himself to sleep. 


The next morning, Kit was the one to wake up first, he took a bath and prepare his stuff for his morning shift. As soon as he descended the stairs, he smelled the sweet aroma of toasted bread, bacon and eggs. He immediately rushed to the kitchen and saw Ming preparing for breakfast, once Ming saw Kit staring at the food, he greeted him. 

"Good morning Kitkat, did you have a good sleep?" Ming asked while smirking. 

"Shut up!" Kit retorted as he sits down. 

"Forgive me na~ and here, eat some."Ming offered. 

The two of them started digging in, Ming finished eating first, so he told Kit to wait for him to get ready.


After Ming has finished his morning routine, he saw no one in the kitchen, he tried searching for Kit even calling his phone but he's not answering, he sigh as he saw a note saying 'I'll be off first, I won't come home later, I'll be busy for a day or two, I'll just text you. Don't pick me up later." 

It was clear that Kit was returning the favor of being avoided, Ming was used to it already, but still he can't help but worry and feel sad at the same time. 'Kit could use some time now', he thought to himself, and went to work. 


Two days passed and Ming was back to his joyful self, well, after receiving a text from Kit apologizing for his actions. He could finally see Kit after 2 days of not seeing him, and he was about to start his car to pick up his wife when he suddenly got a call from P'Pha. 

"Hello P'Pha? What's up?" Ming asked as soon as he answer the call. 

"Ming, where are you now?" Pha asked.

"I'm on the way to pick Kit P." He answered, somewhere deep within him, he felt uneasy. 

"You see Ming, uhm, something happened to Kit.." 

"What do you mean P? Is he okay?" Ming was worried, all his excitement was drained. 

"Yes, he's okay now. Just drive carefully okay? We'll wait for you here." 

"Okay P, thanks." Ming said and dropped the call.

'What the hell happened?' He asked himself. 

[A/N] Boring chapter, yeah I know. Thanks for reading, commenting and voting. 


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