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Ming was awaken by Kit's grumbling, he look down to see his wife squirming, looking a little bit uneasy. He slowly move Kit closer to his body and position his body comfortably, a minute or two, Kit felt comfortable and went back to sleep. Glancing at the clock, he gives his tired looking wife some more minutes to sleep before waking him up. He drop a peck before proceeding downstairs to prepare their breakfast.

As soon as he step foot on the kitchen, the dogs greeted him and seeks for his attention. Ming played with them for a few minutes before opening the cabinet with dog food inside it and put some in their dogs' plate, before proceeding to cook breakfast. 

After cooking their food and preparing the table for breakfast, he went up to wake his wife so as not to be late for his shift. Hearing the soft snores outside the room, Ming slowly opens the door and climb the bed, shifting himself near Kit's head. 

"Kitkat~" Ming called out softly. Kit was starting to grumble. 

"Kitkat~ Wake up na~" Ming tried once again, but still no response. 

"Kitkat, you'll be late na~" The last statement made Kit shift from his sleep and started to open his eyes. He rub them and slowly get up the bed, Ming stood behind him and assisted him on the way to the kitchen. 

Sitting down on the chair, Kit started gobbling the food, ignoring Ming.

"Oho~ It seems our baby is hungry." Ming cooed, earning a glare from Kit. 

"Baby my ass!" Kit retorted. Ming chuckled at the comment. 

"No, on your stomach." Kit was silent for a moment and stopped eating. 

"Yeah..I'm pregnant, I forgot." Kit mumbled. 

"It's okay, I know you're adjusting to the whole thing." Ming cheered his wife, Kit smiled and continue eating his food. 


"Ming...what should I do?" Kit was starting to be frantic as soon as he got out of the bathroom. Ming raised an eyebrow at him, confused at his question. 

"I mean, how do I tell Pha and Beam?" Ming just chuckled and patted Kit's wet hair. 

"Don't worry na~ How about we surprise them? Say during dinner time with them and their husbands?" Ming suggested which calmed Kit a bit, but still nervous. 

"Hmm~ Okay. But when?" 

"When will you be available?" 

"This Friday, my shift will end early, so does Pha and Beam." Kit answered the question, Ming nodded in satisfaction, it gave them enough time to prepare mentally and physically. 

"How about our families?" Ming questioned, hesitant at the same time. He knows Kit is still new to all these news and stuff, but he wants to ease his frantic wife a bit. 

"I don't know Ming. I'm nervous, what would they say?" His Kitkat was starting to pace the room, Ming came closer and hold his wife. 

"How about this Sunday? I'm sure they'll be free by then. I'm also nervous too Kitkat, but don't worry we'll go through this together."  Ming stated and kiss Kit's forehead then lips, assuring him. 

"Let's go now or you'll be late for your shift." Ming gestured Kit, he grab their bags and holds Kit's hand and went out. 


Kit was nervous as they are getting close to the hospital, his palms started to sweat and he felt uneasy. Ming holds his hand and said some comforting words to calm his wife, which practically helps him a lot. Dropping Kit at the hospital, Ming pecked his wife before bidding goodbye, and Kit started getting nervous after he went inside the building. 

An arm slung over his shoulder caught him off guard, he looked to his side and revealed a smiling Beam. He calmed down a bit and sighed. 

"What's with you Ai'Kit? You look nervous." Beam asked as they walk to the elevator. "Don't tell me you're-" Hearing those words, Kit tensed and glanced at his friend. 

"W-what?" Kit stammered and gulped. Beam laughed making him irritated and felt killing his 'friend'.

"I'm just kidding you know. You should look at the mirror, your expression is so funny." Beam kept laughing, Kit clenched his fist and smack Beam's head, a hard blow. 

Beam stopped laughing and glare at his bestfriend while massaging his head. 

"Oh really? You should look at the mirror yourself so you'll know how fat you're getting." Kit teasingly replied smack Beam's once more, his turn to laugh this time. 

"Stop bullying me about my weight. Wait and see, you'll eat your words." Beam still massaging his head and sending daggers at his friend. 

"It's not like you're-" Kit cut his words as he thought to himself. Beam was left hanging and gave his friend an odd look. 


"Nothing asshole." Kit answered then went back to their bickering. 

[A/N] Sorry for the short update, my mind is not working properly. 


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