Suddenly my nights became darker
And I started to watch the smoke curl in the air
Twisting in whisps that tried to grasp the stars
As if reaching for you
My mind became hazy
And my stomach filled with alcohol
taking away my pain for the night
and I tried to forget you
But it didn't matter
putting a cigarette between my teeth
and letting the vodka burn my throat
was nothing compared to the memory of your lips
And the as winter grew colder
the snow beneath my feet turned to ice
and I shivered pulling your jacket over me
as if you could melt my heart again.
- 9:42 am
Sweet Nothing
شِعرA small collection of poems written from a dark place in my head.. From the deepest reaches of my soul to the hollow of my heart, on your screen is everything I found the words to express, whether or not it makes any sense at all.