We are the new face of failure

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Joe: “so the evaluation is all about making an impact, for more chance to gain sponsors so go there and break a leg”

While am in my way I was thinking based on my observation in the other tribute well they are tough, sure not tough as Gabe but still I think they will make high scores.

but since the evaluation is all about making an impact just like what Joe said, I won’t be any special if I got a high score, (I know, I know can we at least pretend that I can get a high score but didn’t because I don’t want to, alright?).

And not to mention my plan is all about breaking heart and appear as a weakling I decided, that the best impact case will be me getting zero, yup around all the 7 and 8 and higher scores zero will be the strongest impact .

So when my turn came up I went there and saw the sponsors enjoying dinner from a glass room, and all I did was sitting and drinking water and looking straight absent mindedly waiting for the time to finish, and I swear I can hear Pete laughter from all the way up there.
When time was up, I went out and Joe was waiting and asked “how was it” I replied “no sweat” he high fived me and looked proudly at me, I guess he didn’t know that I meant it literally.

Next day while I was in my private training session Joe came and called me as the time to announce the evaluation score is close, I went to the living room and sit next to Vikki, Hayley was walking in circles nervously, which I have no idea why since we are the one who is fighting, Joe was just chilling and preparing his drink as usual.

Finally the show start and the usual host Caeser and another person start to greet the viewers and explain why this evaluation is important

Next they start announcing the result, of course as expected from district 1 Gabe Saporta 10 & Michelle 9 from District 2 Andy & Elisa got 9.
Now district 3 results and am wondering about Tyler result and it was 7 hmmm not bad.

Caesar: “now the tribute from district 4 we have Victoria Asher 10, well that is very expected she have a great talent” the other interviewer “sure indeed”
Caesar: “and also from district 4 Patrick stump got …… wait a second is that mistake?” he looked in front of him which obvious he is asking the producers then later look to the other interviewer and he was holding his laugh, 
Caesar: “am sorry for this just to confirm the score and also from district 4 Patrick stump got Zero!” and they start laughing hysterically, which also I did the same shamelessly. 
I looked at Joe and Vikki while laughing but then stopped when I can tell they were about to kill me, well it’s not the first time but this one by far was the scariest 
Caesar continued after his composer returned “I don’t know how he got that but this is the first time ever a tribute get zero, the lowest score was 3 and he broke the record”
The other guy: “Ladies & Gentleman we have a new record!” and they start laughing 
Caesar: “I wonder how he got it, I mean he wouldn’t get that even if he did nothing!” 
I looked at Joe and said: “no he is wrong, that exactly what I did”

After the remained results showed up, it was like I guessed most of them between 10 and 5 expect for me.
Vikki stand up clearly angry and started “are you begging them to kill you?!! Is that what you want? Everyone will hunt you down!”
Joe: “yes Patrick if getting yourself killed is what you want then tell me instead of making me go around trying to gain sponsors and teach you ”.
Patrick: “you said make an impact and I did”
Vikki: “by getting zero! Now everyone will try to kill you”
Patrick: “you know am good at shooting arrows alright, I can defend myself there and the only reason I took zero because it was in purpose , and you really think the other tributes will come to our team that have two 10 and three 9?”
Vikki: “that’s if our team still on after this”
Patrick: “I don’t think my result will matter to them since am the nothing but a servant in case you forgot”

Soon after, Gabe and the rest of the team came angry too, and I kept explaining that it’s just an act to gain more gift from sponsors, which they weren’t really convinced, and we continued our arguments, but thankfully after all of that am still part of the alliance.
As the Game will start tomorrow, having a dispute before it won’t do any good for us”

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