The Train

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Am lying in my bed since I entered the train which been a while I’ve lost count how many times I cried myself to sleep and waking up in the wrong side of reality

and here I am  still shaking & processing what just happened, this disaster am in is something should never happened, it’s just impossible! It shouldn’t I swear, everything was planned someone name get picked then the chosen career tribute volunteer and end of story it was always like that!,

it’s not like this is the first time my name gets picked, damn it am losing my mind I’ve heard a lot about tributes who lost their mind during the hunger games but not before! Well at least I can be the first at something.

Just then the door opened and Hayley  came in and said “Patrick Dear I know that you scared but don’t worry it’s not like you will enter the hunger games right now , it a week ahead so come with me to meet your mentor and vikki and enjoy dinner”

Patrick: “really? Am about to die and you want me to have dinner?!!”

Hayley: “unfortunate wherever you like it or not you will fight and I advise you to accept that fact and start to do something about it, plan or find the suitable weapon , consult with your mentor”
Patrick: “not if I kill myself first! At least in a warm bed and less sad and brutal death where everyone along my family will see”

Hayley: “well if you care about your family I wouldn’t recommend that, your suicide before the game is nothing but a mere coward move, and you will bring shame & disgrace to your family name, do you want that?”
Damn it I hate that she is right my Grandfather & dad worked so hard to gain a close ties with the capital and my action can ruined it I shouldn’t act hasty as I may knock everything they build not to mention I promised him I will come back home, I have too .
I rise from my bed and informed her that I will join them after showering and getting dressed

As I entered the dining Room were you can’t ignore the smolder that filled the room from our “amazing hero mentor” cigarettes (if it’s what he claimed), and like that is not annoying enough he actually start to laugh hysterically as soon we locked eyes.
Vikki was sitting silently & clearly annoyed by him
“well well well I can’t believe my eyes Patrick Martin Stump a tribute !!!!” and kept laughing as loud as he can “ the same kid who worked day and night hand and foot to avoid anything to do with the event but here you are ”  & wow amazing he is still laughing 

So let me introduce this douchebag to you, this guy is same age as me and I know him since we were kids same kindergarten same school etc.,,, he was chosen as the career tribute  2 years ago which also  was the same year when my name was picked from the lottery then he volunteer and fight in the hunger games & won.

So Ladies and Gentleman I represent to you Joe Trohman , but let me say this before you start fangirling about him wining the Hunger Games .

The only reason he won, is that the game was too long so people start to get bored & the control Room decided to end the game by sending a flood and being from district 4 Joe was a great swimmer (not that I am, am more lay in sand & sunscreen kinda guy) so he was the only one who survived and the game end.

I tried to ignore his laughing but he start to get in my nerve so I started “Joe If you don’t shut the….OMG PUMPKIN SQUARES!!!”  I grab a plate and start picking 2 at the same time (did I mentioned I have ADHD? Will now you would have guessed it).
Joe: “Jesus look at him Hayley he is the worst candidate in history no matter how much I support him nothing will work”
Patrick: while munching the squares I said “how about you support me by getting the fuck out of the room along your cigar I have asthma”
Joe: “oh my god! just Dope dead already”
Patrick: “Don’t say it, don’t you dare say it, you know it will happen soon”
Joe: “hey come on don’t be cynical, I mean you don’t have to kill them all by yourself, maybe the designed stage has animals or traps that will kill all the tribute ”
Patrick: “………” I turned to Hayley and said “please, please if this is your definition for support then am certain am better off without it”.
Hayley: “Joe the kid doesn’t need more reason to freak out , you need to help him”
And while Joe and Hayley kept arguing I was staring at vikki , she didn’t say anything and kept staring absentmindedly
Patrick: “Vikki? I know better not to say this but, are you okay?” she ignored me and went out to her room , damn if she is the top in the class and freaked out like that ,what does that make me? Maybe Joe was right about I should Drop did.

Joe: “did you actually just say that? Patrick will you keep worrying about yourself you are the one we are concerned about”.
Patrick: “Joe  just because you are a mentor doesn’t mean you have to say or do anything! Fuck off! ”.
Joe: “Really! Thanks will do” he grabbed his Beer and left thankfully”.

After that me and Hayley start talking about different things, like how she is worried about the stylist who is assigned for us due to his unusual clothing and wow am so worried about that too! it’s the top in my problem list !! What I will be wearing, I think she didn’t notice that I DON’T CARE WHAT SHE THINKS AS LONG IT’S ABOUT HOW I CAN SURVIVE THIS!! But no, that’s not one of her 99 problem
Also she kept going on how to behave in the interviews with Caesar Flickerman The Hunger Games Host and the training etc,,,

But I can’t help but to wonder what vikki is doing now , as for me well am a hopeless case who needs a miracle of the universe to won , but she can do it and I hope if it’s not me then her

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