And now I just sit in silence

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When I opened my eyes, pain was the first thing I felt my ears was ringing and I looked at my left hand to find it covered with weird white stuff that hurt so bad, I bet it was from the fog.

I notice the tree was far from me and just then I realized I was far down, and to be exact in a cave, looks like we planted the mines above the cave so the explosion made a hole and I fell! I look around to see if there is someone from my team but there wasn't

Vikki! just when I tried to sit up while groaning, I heard some noises from my left & right side, it was the rest of the cave with the ceiling still in there so it was too dark, and just when I focused my sight at whatever wondering in that dark side.

I muttered "Holy shit" the cave was filled with Lizard mutts I read about them (they are four-legged with sharp talons at the end of each finger, had tight pale white skin and were the size of humans. They had long reptilian tails, arched backs and heads that jut jaws which enabled them to decapitate their victims in one bite. The mutts had the ability to walk on their hind legs as well as on all four).

From what I know they can't go in the sunlight, and also blind and can't smell perhaps this is the reason why am still breathing even though I fell at night, thank god I didn't make any sound while I was passed out.

I yelp while trying to stand up almost crying from pain, and limped heavily to the wall side so I can try to climb, but neither my hand nor foot was helping.

Damn it what should I do?! The sun will set and these monsters will be waiting, even if some miracle happened and I didn't make any sound all night, its not like I have water or food to survive how the hell I will get out of here!

Will there is one way only and I have to do it while the sun still up in the sky "HELP! PLEASE , VIKKI,GABE ,ANDY, ANYONE PLEASE HELP" while I kept screaming the monsters started to make a lot of sound and came to my side as close as the sun will let them I got angry and start throwing stones at them "FUCK YOU, LEAVE ME ALONE !" just to get more angry sounds from them

I sit and start to cry everything hurt, & I have nothing, not even a weapon I don't know where my machete went with the explosion.
Who I was kidding thinking everything going to run smoothly, of course the game makers won't let that happen or it won't be exciting to them.

Damn it I don't want to die this way, I have been a good person my whole life don't I deserve to die in a less sad way, sure I didn't want to get out of my comfort zone but that didn't hurt anybody.

The sun set is getting closer every second and am trying to calm down so I won't make a sound with my breathing.

Just then someone screamed from the end of the other side of the cave "HEY ASS HOLES COME OVER HERE" and whistled to the Mutts from that right side, the mutts turned to the way the sound came from and start to run.

only to have another explosion but it was electrical! It's a Force field someone moved there and lured the mutts!.
I stood up to run to that side or limp my way there to be exact but still there was two mutts trying to get up so I stopped, soon who ever planned this has entered the cave and stabbed the two mutts as they were still dazed from the impact.

After that another guy showed up to and they start to walk to me, and as they get closer I recognize these two, the tributes who were playing with the wires, Tyler and Josh from district 3 and 5 they took my arms so I can lean on their shoulders and start to walk out finally.

I have no idea why they are helping me or where are we going, but I don't care I just want to be out of here

We kept walking for long way well am almost getting carried by them, even though we already out but since we were afraid the mutts from the other side will come out and start hunt us at night we kept going.

Finally we stopped when we came near the river, I rushed to wash my burning hand, and surprisingly as soon I wash it all the white stuff start to disappear and I felt the burns felt better already , but my foot will that will take more that washing to get it healed.

I looked at Tyler and josh who were silently staring as usual as if it's completely normal to do and I said to break the silence: "Thank you, thank you for helping me I thought I was done for"

They looked at each other and josh take out his throwing knife and Tyler said calmly: "who are you?"
What the hell is wrong with these weirdos they just helped me and now threatening me? ,
but am not in a place to make such remark for now "am Patrick from district 4"
Tyler: "No I meant who are you, do you have some relative to the capital or some ties or anything?"
Patrick: "if I had I wouldn't be here in the first place, what make you think that?"

he took out a small paper and give to me while josh still standing by with his throwing knife.
In the paper someone written "Dear Josh and Tyler, in the hunger games only the winner and his family benefit for this game, but that doesn't mean you can't get any, there is a cave in the east side full of lizard mutts and Patrick from district 4 is stuck there, help him and treat him until he can stand for himself and I will send your family a lot of Tessera, sincerely P.W "

Tyler: "it came with this" he threw me a small container when I opened it was an ointment as soon I saw it I start to apply it in my wounds it was cold and felt really good oh god , Pete baby,I would marry you not only live with you, gosh I would be dead by the mutts if not for him.
Just when I was getting high from how good I started to feel Tylor cut it: "who is P.W".
Patrick: "how would I know? Maybe a devoted fan, whoever he is am grateful and also am really grateful for you guys".
Tyler: "we did for our family not you"
Patrick: "fare enough, now can you tell me if you know anything about Vikki "
Tyler: "you want to know about Vikki only or all of your alliance? We already knows about it, same districts in the alliance every year, anyway, except for Andy the rest of your team is dead"
I muttered "what?"
Tyler: "Victoria, Gabe, Elisa are dead we heard three canons the day before yesterday in the same time and later there photos was shown yesterday, and how long you were passed out?"
"............" No no no wait that wasn't supposed to happen, not in our plan ?! Where did we go wrong?!!! That god damn fog! Vikki is dead! I can't do this no, no I don't want this anymore!!.
Tyler came close and wiped my tears, I didn't even know I was crying.
Tyler: "sorry for your lost, but that's going to happen whether we like it or not" he paused then and followed later "unless maybe you can do something with us" he looked at Josh who he nod to him.
Then he continues in very low voice almost whispering "Patrick you need to be clear, this P.W guy, do you know him? There is something we want to do and you might help but I need you to be honest"

I wasn't sure if I should tell them but since they don't seem they want to kill me not to mention I don't have any weapon to fight them I decided to give them half the truth so I replied in low voice too "yes he is a big fan for some reason and he wanted to help me"
Tyler: "let's say you did something you are not allowed to, will he still help you to hide and ran away from the government" he was whispering

Run away? So this is there plan, how the hell they want to do that even though our servant the avox are the perfect example to what happen if we tried! I knew they are mad but I decided to play along: "he will help me, am sure, but I don't think I will be able to ran away since there is a tracker device in our arms"
Tyler nod and said "you are right, you absolutely right"

he stand up again and went to his bag and got a dead rabbit and said "you are hungry?" I nod , I was hungry who isn't after sleeping for a whole day not that my appetite still on as the news I just heard is too much to take in .

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