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Harry Potter is pacing across the floor of a hospital lobby. He just wants to know what's going on. He has both muggle and wizarding approved degrees but this isn't his area of expertise and he's too involved in the case so they won't even let him anywhere near the situation. They won't even let him onto the floor on account of them doing surgery on Draco bloody Malfoy.

Just the thought makes him want to vomit.

Things had been going well. Great, even. Things were finally looking up when what he's sure to be part of their past has come to bite them in the arse again. He wants to punch a fucking wall.

He's asked Val to keep the boys with her and Wyatt at the hotel and he knows that they're panicking too, but he can barely pull himself together right now and his boys didn't need to be worried about him too.

He actually does punch a wall.

His hand comes down bruised and he still doesn't think it's enough. He wants to make himself bleed because he should have known better.

Draco would have said he had a thing for self-flagellation and he would have told him that that was impossible because he didn't own a whip.

He can feel the tears on his tongue when he licks his lips and brings his arm back to take another swing at the cinder block wall, but a voice speaks up.

"Are you Dr. Potter?" says a small woman from behind him and he turns to be met with a forced smile on an otherwise relaxed face.

"That'd be me, yeah." He's still getting used to being referred to as Doctor instead of Healer. He knows his words are clipped and jittery and she keeps glancing down at his freshly busted knuckles but he can't really seem to care. "Did something happen?"

"Mr. Black is out of surgery. He isn't awake yet, but if you'd like, you can see him now."

"Of course I'd like to—" He shakes his head. "Can you take me to him, please?"

She nods at him to show that she agrees or at least partially understand then he's following her as she walks down the trailing maze of hallways and corners before stopping in front of a room.

"Here you are, Dr. Potter. Someone else will be around in a mo to check on his vitals, to make sure he's keeping steady."

Harry doesn't respond and he wonders if she'll think it's rude or if she'll understand. He'd probably turn to apologize if he hadn't caught a glance of Draco's hair, golden from the fluorescents. He steps closer and closer and collapses into the chair next to the bed.

Everything is much too pale.

Even Draco doesn't look as alive as he should and that snatches a breath out of Harry's lungs.

The bed and sheets are white. As are the thin sheer curtains. They have Draco swathed in a white crinkling hospital gown. Harry thinks the only color in the room is where his hands are wrapped around his fiancé's and the tattoos running up and down Draco's arms.

Everything is quiet aside from the beeping of machines and the tiny exhales of Draco breathing, which could barely be heard under the crinkle of the sheets and his gown every time he took a breath.

"I should have known better," Harry whispers with his heart in his throat. He's reminded of a bloody bathroom and a curse and Oh my god, I've killed him. And he knows no good will come of thoughts like that but when Draco looks like this it takes him back to peeking into the infirmary 6th year to make sure Malfoy wasn't really dead. To see the sunlight filter in and over his face as he struggled to breathe and Ms. Pomfrey and Snape fluttered around him. Then there's a gunshot and the scene is different in his head and the gun is in his hands and he can't breathe again.

He just wants Draco to be better. He wants Draco to look at him again. He wants to hold him.

When he speaks, his voice cracks.

"I keep replaying that moment in my mind. Trying to figure out how it got past our defenses and security then I remember it wasn't magic but it was probably concealed with magic. And then I realize I can't just heal this. We have to watch and wait for you to recover. And who knows how long that's going to take because no one will bloody tell me anything!"

Harry runs a hand down his face and squeezes Draco's with the other. When he drops the hand from his face, he runs it through the blond's messy hair.

Staring this intently at Draco's face without his stage make up or his everyday glamours, Harry can see all his little beauty marks and freckles and the small scar on his lip where the sectumsempra had reached up further than his chest. Things he hadn't taken the chance to map out since they were fresh out of Hogwarts and madly in love in a way that only teenagers could be. He rubs a thumb back and forth under Draco's eye.

"I'm trying so hard to think that this isn't my fault. That this wasn't because we're together and happy and— gods, it's been almost 20 years since the war. I didn't think that racism and blood purity were just going to disappear, but I thought some of us would be able to move on." He chokes down a sob and whispers. "I thought you were safe."

He's looking down at where their hands meet with tears in his eyes and on his cheeks and stuck in his lashes. He's hoping that Draco will squeeze back. That he'll open his eyes and crack a terrible joke at Harry's expense. That he'll ask where the boys are. That he'll start to mentally reschedule his entire tour, because what's going to happen now. Hoping for something. Anything.

Draco just sleeps.


hi futher muckers
how are you?
hope ya seasonal or general depression is giving you all a hecking break
cause i wish mine were lol

but here we are 🤷🏽‍♀️

and here is book 3 of the "Family of Favors" series:
Favoring The Strong

love it? hate it? lemme know 

as always, love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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