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"Draco, what's going on?" Harry is trying not to crowd him against the wall in the corridor next to the Headmistress' office, but it's hard when he can see the despair on his husband's face.

"Nothing is going on," Draco snaps in typical Malfoy fashion. "Stop coddling me."

"I'm not coddling— whatever. I'm not going to argue with you. I thought you got all your mean anger out back on the train. If we're still doing that you should have said something. Do you want me to wait to be the supportive husband or..."

Draco narrows his eyes at him. "Why are you being such an arse about this?"

"Why're you?"

"I'm not." They stare at each other, waiting for the other to let it pass. Harry watches his husband with his arms crossed and a single single raised before Draco finally sighs. "Okay I am. But..."


"Why are you— No, how are you so relaxed about this? We aren't professors, Harry!"

"Is that honestly the part that's bothering you? You seemed fine with the plan when we were packing to come here."

"I..." starts Draco as if it's such a huge burden to discuss. "I'm nervous."

"Scared shitless seems a more apt description," Harry can't help but tease.

"Absolutely, but I dont want her to know that."

"Draco, she's seen us at war, she's not going to judge you for—"

"But that was when I had magic, wasn't it?"

"You still have magic."

"But I've got no control of it, have I? You choose classes that would be easy on my magical core, but I just keep thinking...How am I supposed to teach these children anything when I can't even bloody teach myself!"

"So that's what all this is about? You can live with muggles just fine but having to live like one of them is un-bloody-heard of, yeah? Thinking that other people will think of you like a squib, just about the worse thing to happen since Tom Riddle himself."

"Don't do that."

"Oh, great. What am I doing now?"

"Don't make this a class thing or— or a race thing! This isn't about people seeing me as less than a Malfoy or whatever the hell you are trying to insinuate. This is about me," says Draco with emphasis.

"I'm sorry, isn't everything?"

Draco's mouth is open on a retort when they're interrupted by running footsteps and 2 pairs of wiry arms wrapping around them.



The couple knows that this conversation is far from over, but it doesn't seem as important when two of the most important people in their lives are wrapped around them, happy to see them after months away.

Draco takes a moment to clear his throat. "What are you boys doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Headmistress McGonagall called for us!" Teddy says excitedly as he releases one parental figure only to latch on to the other one.

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