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As with most things, Draco is right.

Harry takes what may be his 8th day off of work to head to the Auror department of the Ministry under the guise of visiting Ron and 'inspiring' some of the new recruits. It sends an uneasy chill down his spine to lie that way, but he is able to talk to some of the Junior Aurors in training that are fresh out of Hogwarts and explain to them that the joys of his job as a Healer is a lot more his style than the glory and danger that being an Auror would bring. He hopes that he has convinced some of them to find other paths before they're tied to a desk or unnecessarily put in the line of fire one too many times.

After talking to all of the recruits, he realizes how much freedom he has as a civilian within the Ministry and he doesn't know if it's because the Ministry is just that inept or because he's Harry Potter. And as much as he hates it, he would rather it be the latter.

"Oi, Harry!" Ron calls when he's back from wherever he had been while Harry searched through his desk as respectfully as possible. He steps up next to his crowded desktop where Harry has lounged himself into the seat.

"Auror Weasley," responds Harry teasingly.

"What's brought you here?"

"You're not going to like it."

Ron looks at him skeptically. "Is this about Draco's case?"

"Maybe?" Harry knows the look on his face is self depreciating, but he smiles anyway. It's nice that his friend knows him so well.

"Harry," whines Ron before huffing a breath. "Fine, let's go for lunch."

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Harry says excited as he flings himself up from his seat to pull his friend into a hug.

"Oh, save it for your husband," Ron teases, but he returns the hug then moves around Harry to grab a jacket to throw over his Auror robes.

It takes less than ten minutes for them to find themselves in the corner of a nice muggle pub surrounded by an auror level muffliato.

"So," Harry starts when their pleasant small talk has finally died down in the buzz of the pub. "What can you tell me about the case?"

"I'm not supposed to be telling you anything because it's official auror business and you're involved."

"Excuse me if I'm worried about someone trying to murder my husband and kidnap our sons."

Ron kicked Harry's shin under the table. "I never said I wasn't going to tell you. Just that I shouldn't."


"Well," Ron echoes. "Well, Harry, it's just...it's complicated."

Harry rolls his eyes. "What part of my life isn't complicated?"

"No, Harry, you don't understand. It's like...there's no trail. The guys a muggle, we know that, but the spellwork he's using is so bloody ancient that no one knows what it is they're looking for 'til the trail'as gone cold."

"So he's working with some pureblood Neo-Death Eaters. I thought we already knew that. I'd conducted a citizens arrest on two of them." Harry said rubbing at his temple. Ron shrugs and the scars running down his arm from their year of running looks rougher in the pubs lighting.

"I think some of the older guys in the department were hoping that wasn't the case. The two guys you caught are still waiting for an official trial date. They're wanted for a few petty crimes, but they don't have any ties to any Neo-Death Eater causes and the Ministry doesn't seemed to interested in looking for any either. To be honest, most of'em just want to put the war stuff behind'em."

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