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The Ministry swirls into focus. Harry and Draco step out of the green floo flames into the large atrium. It doesn't feel welcoming, it only serves to bring up memories they both wish they could forget. They find their way to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement rather easily considering they're both at least a little familiar. The closer they get the more looks they seem to garner, be it from fans or nosey office workers. Harry wants to snap at them and ask if they've even got bloody jobs or if they're just being paid to stare them down like a pair of naughty krups, but Draco opens his mouth first.

"Please don't mind us, return to your work. I assure you we are nowhere near as important as whatever it is you're being paid to do here." Though his words are sharp, his voice isn't callous, and when he ends it with a soft smile, his blond hair falling gracefully across his forehead the workers around him blush or grumble, but they do all eventually go back to their day jobs. He tugs Harry's hand as soon as the eyes are off of them.

The DMLE is just as busy as Harry remembers it. The air is full of files flying around in the shape of paper airplanes and cranes; there is the hum of voices; and the zip of spells; and the smell of stale coffee dripping into a mug somewhere amidst all the stacks of briefcases and paperwork. A sort of organized chaos that Harry used to think he'd be perfect for. Ron's here somewhere in all the mess and bustle of it all. Harry, however, has his sights set on the head auror's office and he's storming in that direction, Draco in tow.

"My house is a bloody wreck," Harry says without preamble to Head Auror Robards, the door slamming behind both he and Draco. To the man's credit he doesn't even look up from whatever he seems to be working on at his desk.

"Sorry to say, but I am not privy to the visual state of your home prior to the department conducting an arrest," Robards answers, his quill still scratching words onto the sheet of parchment in front of him. Harry rolled his eyes.

"And I'm not privy to the visual or emotional state of the bloody aurors-on-duty prior to them barreling into my home unannounced while my children were there. Though a few of them may need to visit St. Mungos. Surprised you have them working in such conditions."

Robards closes his eyes and takes a breath as if he'd never wanted to deal with the bullheaded saviour of the Wizarding World ever again. At least that is something Draco can understand.

"Mr. Potter, to what do I owe the pl—"

"Cut the shit, Robards. My house is destroyed and my family was accosted and I have yet to be told why. Draco was assaulted and almost arrested and he was the main victim in the bloody fucking initial case."

"Well, you see—"

"The veritaserum has been ingested, sir," says a voice as the door to Robards' office is opened again.

Harry crosses his arms and stares challengingly at the head of the DMLE. Draco follows suit almost by instinct at the sound of his parents going through trial. Again. For something that has nothing to do with them this time. He pulls himself to his full height or as much of it as he can manage while still recognizing his lack of magic. He can feel the weak flickers of it cradled painfully within his core, Harry's own flame burning into him and trying to tease it out carefully. He wonders if his fiancé even knows that he's doing it.

The younger auror at the door seems to finally notice that they're there and who they are because she stumbles over her next few words.

"H-how would you er...like to...to er...to pr-proceed, sir?"

"I'm curious too," Harry adds, arms still crossed but eyes blazing. Harry's told Draco before how the green of his own eyes always reminded him of the killing curse. How it was hard for him to himself in the eye when he looked in the mirror sometimes. How he feels like it kills him a little. And though it makes him no less beautiful, Draco thinks he can see what Harry means now. For the first time since they've come into the office, Robards actually looks scared.

The head auror clears his throat as he stands and looks between Harry and the young woman at the door. His eyes settle on Harry only long enough to explain.

"I have a suspect in custody that gives us reasons to believe he may be connected with the Malfoys. I only intend to ask them a few questions."

"Is that why there was an auror in my home holding Draco up by his neck?"

"I'm sure he—"

"If you say had a reason, you'll be giving me one."

Robards audibly gulps at the thought, but nods.

"Prepare the room for questioning," he finally says to the woman still standing at the door in awe. "I'd like to speak with—"

"We," Harry interrupts and Draco harshly exhales what would have been a laugh through his nose.

"Yes, of course. We would like to speak with Lucius Malfoy."

Once it's settled Harry turns soft eyes onto Draco, concern furrowing his brow.

"Are you okay to wait here while we go talk to Lucius?"

"I'd rather be in here than in there, if I'm being quite honest. Father still has plenty to say about us being together and living amongst muggles."

"This'll be a joy then," says Harry with a smirk. "I'll get his honest opinion on the wedding."

"If you don't give him an aneurysm first."

"Here's hoping," Harry jokes, following Robards from the room with a chuckle.

The door to Robards' office clicks shut and a wash of magic races over it to keep intruders out...or Draco in. The blond isn't too bothered by which one it could be considering how tired he's been since the shooting and how drained and frustrated he feels after almost being choked to death in his own home. He's glad Harry was there to save him, because he knows not everyone is as fortunate. Doesn't want to think about what would have happened if they had gotten to his boys. Or if Harry wasn't there. If Harry wasn't the fucking saviour of the Wizarding World. He sucks in a breath. The thought terrifies him.

He slumps into the seat across from Robards' desk and let's out the breath harshly, trying not to cry.


hey futher muckers

holy shit like i didn't know i had to say it, but BLACK LIVES MATTER

it's un-fucking-believable that people still don't believe racism is a thing.
that people can sit back and allow themselves to bask in whatever ignorance they want in order to perpetuate hateful ideals and put others down for something as trivial as the color of our skin.
its absolutely fucking bonkers.


-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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