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There's paparazzi huddled outside and luckily they couldn't just force themselves in, but Harry is still so close to going out there and giving them a piece of his mind. He takes one step before his son's are running into the hospital lobby and into his arms. It's enough to send him to tears.

"Dad!" Teddy yells, with tears on his cheeks. He steps back awkwardly after hugging him and Harry has to remember his son's practically a teenager.

On the other side, James isn't even talking, but he's gripping Harry's waist as tight as possible. Harry knows this must be hard for them. He kisses both of their foreheads and starts walking with them to Draco's room.

As they walk, he finally chances a glance upwards and looks around.

"Where's Val?"

"She walked us in and left," answers Teddy. "She said she didn't want to intrude."

"But—" starts Harry. She wouldn't be intruding, he wants to say. Ron and 'Mione are on their way over now. He thinks that maybe she just didn't want to leave Wyatt. That's a good reason. Her not wanting to be here is fine too, he just hasn't expected it, especially now that she's gotten closer to Draco. Harry tries not to pout. When he remembers that Draco is alive and not in a coma and his kids are here too, he realizes he has plenty to smile about.

Harry walks them to the hospital room where Draco is still snoring away softly, his chest moving gently beneath the thin hospital blanket. He ushers them to the seats next to their das before sitting on the side of the bed himself. Slowly he lifts a hand, running it through Draco's hair. His voice is just as reverent when he starts speaking quietly to him.

"Draco. Hey, love?"

Draco shifts, a breath coming from his nose, before yawning and leaning into Harry's palm on instinct. Harry let's him. He drags his hand down, rubbing a thumb across his fiancé's cheek.

"Wake up, babe, the boys are here."

Draco blinks his eyes open slowly then leans closer to Harry again, turning his head and placing a kiss onto the palm of his hand. He blinks again then looks over at his boys.

James is the first one out of his seat. There are tears streaming down his face but he isn't talking. His sobs are broken by groans and grunts, but his dad knows what he means.

"I'm right here," Draco says gently, brushing his son's curly hair from his face. "Jamesie, I'm okay."

Teddy is standing next to the bed nervously fiddling with the plastic panel on the side, flipping it and pressing all the seemingly harmless buttons.

"Teddy," says Harry looking at his oldest son, "it's okay to be sad, but Draco is right here. He's okay. You can hug him too. You don't have to hold back. Not with us. We're family, yeah? And we love you so much."

Harry's words tear through Teddy's nervousness in seconds and without a word he rushes over and throws himself into Draco's open arms as well.

The knock on the door has Harry tense with his wand at the ready.

"I thought you said Pansy called and said she was busy."

"She did."

The knock is more forceful this time and Harry casts a quick wordless protection barrier before pulling the door open. His brief shock has him staggering back.

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