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When Draco breaks a champagne flute for the fifth time while trying to focus his magic, Harry starts realizing a bit more that Draco's magic wasn't just going to miraculously be better.
Magical cores, he learns, are just like most other muscles. They need training and exercise and without constant use they will putter out.

It's been months and though the case hasn't been officially closed, things have calmed down. The boys are off at school and Harry has been watching Draco throw himself into learning magic for hours now.

He remembers that feeling. The lack of control and all the anger and guilt that comes with it.

"You don't have to work yourself so hard, you know?"

"Potter, kindly shut the fuck up," Draco says strained yet focusing even harder on trying to tap the glass with only his magic.

"Love, you aren't going to be perfect in just one day. You have to rest some time."

"Well that time is not now! I'm close to doing this properly. I can feel it."

"Draco," Harry starts stepping between his husband and the series of shattered glasses, "stop."

"You're just loving this, aren't you?"

"Draco let's not do this right now. You're frustrated and—"

"And what!? Just say you're glad that I can't do magic. Say you're happy I have to live like a bloody squib now! Just a simple fucking muggle like perfect Val!"

"I didn't say that. I've never said that. I'm never going to say that."

"You're probably thinking it," huffs Draco, crossing his arms.

"The only thing I'm thinking is where the hell that came from. Did you forget I married you?"

"Only because—"

"Because I've been in love with you practically my whole life. Seven hells, Draco. You seriously need a break. Your magic is going haywire on your emotions."

Harry leans forward and grabs Draco by his elbows, and pulls him into a hug, the blond's arms still crossed between them. It doesn't take long for them to loosen however and fall by his sides. He lays his forehead into Harry's shoulder and just lets himself cry.

Harry only holds him closer.


James doesn't like Hogwarts.

Well, he ammends mentally, it's not that he hates Hogwarts, it's that he hates not being home. His dad said he'd love it here (and Teddy agreed!). But a part of him wishes he were with his dads back at home. He knows it's part of his baggage or trauma or whatever else their family Mind Healer wants to call it, but it's still how he feels.

Teddy keeps trying to remind him that they're safer at Hogwarts than at home and that though their parents miss them just as much they are also safe. James just wants to see it for himself. He wishes he could be home helping Father adjust to whatever is still happening with his magic.

The Mind Healer would call that some fucked up level of survivors guilt he's still got going on.

"It's none of our business, but..." starts one of the Slytherin girls who'd taken to following him around (for Godrick knows why) whenever Teddy wasn't there.

"Then dont ask," says James. The girl giggles, as do her friends.

"You've just been down a lot," she giggles again. "We just wanted to know why and if everything was like...okay?"

The question, as genuine as it sounds, is enough to send James into a spiral. Because he doesn't know. And that's the problem isn't it? He's here and Teddy's here, but their Dads are more than a train ride away and he doesn't bloody know if everything is okay.

He turns and sprints down the corridor and rushes back to his dormitory to floo call his parents.


Draco's face is tacky from tears when he wakes up, and he's sure he looks like a drowned ferret, but Harry is still there, wrapped around him like nothing else matters right now. Harry's carried him upstairs to nap more comfortably on their bed and the thought of it makes him giddy inside.

Soon Draco recognizes the sound of flames roaring and a bell ringing as what has woken him up and he pulls free from his husband to check the floo.

"Hello, this is the Malfoy-Potter residence."


"JL!?" Draco searches around the room for a clock to check the time. It's not too late, but he's sure James should be in class or in one of his extra curriculars or something. The clock hanging next to their wardrobe strikes 12 just as he stares at it. "Shouldn't you be in the Great Hall? You need to eat."

"I will, I promise. I just...I missed you," he whispers.

"We miss you too, lovey."

"Is Dad with you?"

"Yes, of course he is. Do you want me to get him?"

"Please," says James, his voice no more than a breath.

Draco knows his youngest son. Has learned his tells and triggers, but even after years together, he will never know him the way Harry does. Sure, there was a time when James only wanted to be sat near Draco all the time, but now he's mostly grown out of it. The thought used to upset him, it was a jealous feeling as if Harry had taken that from him. Now it just makes him proud. It reassures him that he's not alone in this or in the fight for control of his magic. That he and Harry are a team. That he's on the right side.

"Love," Draco calls standing up from his place in front of the fire and shaking his husband's shoulder. "Harry, James is on the floo."

At the sound of their son's name Harry is awake, stretching and blinking the sleep from his eyes.

"Is he okay?" he asks standing and moving over to the fire before Draco can even answer. "Jamesie? Is everything alright? Where's your brother?"

"Bloody hell," Draco says squeezing near the fire next to his husband. "He's fine, Potter, he just missed us."

"Oh," Harry says relieved. "Do you want us to come visit?"

"No, Dad, it's fine."

"I can call Headmistress McGonagall and we can be there within the hour."

"Dad, no. I'm just..." It looks like he shakes his head. "It's nothing."

"I'm calling her," says Draco firmly while standing to go to one of the other fireplaces in the house to make the direct floo call.

"Father!" James calls after him, but Harry just nods at him, so Draco keeps going.


hey futher muckers

no beta as usual, any mistakes are mine

im mad as hell and i dont know what to do about it so
free chappie i guess

i dont have much else to say
im just really...down? upset? whatever

i'll post this to ao3 whenever i get up again from my nap

as always i hope yall enjoyed love y'all
blm & sah ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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