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"Singer DL Black has recently been released from the ICU and Recovery Unit of a hospital that wishes to remain nameless for protection of staff and other patients safety. For those of you who don't know, DL Black is a UK based singer who rose to fame in the States over a decade ago. He was recently shot during one of his concerts. This is concerning for many reasons, one of which is that he and his partner have a pair of children that were backstage as this was going on, and his audience are mostly young girls and guys around the same age! Who would want to target a man who—"

Harry waves the telly off as he walks by the couch towards his kitchen.

"You always do this to yourself and I always have to tell you to stop it," he says as he sets the kettle on. "The Muggle news isn't going to know better than the Ministry."

"But it wasn't a magical problem," Draco says clicking the telly back on, "It was a Muggle gun."

"Stocked with bullets that were covered in runes and full of a potion no one can identify," Harry waves the TV off again. "They wouldn't know."

Draco clicks the TV on again. "They might."

"They don't," Harry says waving it off again, though his focus is elsewhere. He's searching the cabinets for instant tea when he hears the TV click on again and waves it off without a second thought.

"Stop bloody doing that!"

"Doing wha—"

"The magic! You harp at me about not using my magic for stuff I can do on my own, now that I can't do it at all it's like you're just using it for everything!"

"When you did your follow up at St. Mungos, they said you were probably just blocked, you know," Harry says as he finds the tea and sets about making them both a cup.

"What the hell do they know. You heard that muggle doctor, the bullet that hit me reeked of magic."

"The muggle doctor wouldn't know that. Besides, there wasn't a magical signature or anything on it."

"Doesn't mean I haven't been cursed. They could be siphoning off my magic as we speak. My magical core will rot and I'll be dead within the week."

"Don't say that. You're going to be fine."

"How can you say that!? My magic's gone!"

Harry sits next to Draco, placing their mugs on the table and pulling his hands into his lap. "It'll come back."

"Someone is trying to kill me!"

Harry opens his mouth to say that someone was always trying to kill him up until a few years ago, but Draco sends him a nasty glare and he snaps his mouth closed.

"You're not going to die, Draco. Not over this. I won't let you." He places a soft kiss on his lips and feels some of the tension melt out of his fiancé's shoulders. "And you're right, I've been using my magic a lot more lately, but it just feels uncomfortable under my skin now that it can't feel yours. It's like it's trying to fill up the space to reach you. Doing smaller charms and spells help to relax it when you're around, but I can stop. I'm going to stop if it makes you uncomfortable."

"What do you need me to do?" Draco asks softly, tentatively, as if he doesn't believe he has the right to be around Harry like this anymore now that his magic is gone and he knows Harry can feel the loss of it just as much as him.

"You dont need to do anything, love. Just being near you is enough. I promise."

Draco's grip is tight when he moves it from Harry's hands to his shoulders to pull him in for a hug, wrapping his arms around the darker man's back.

"I hate this," he says quietly. "I feel broken and useless. It's like the war all over again. Like being left without a wand in that house, but now I can't even produce a sodding wandless lumos."

"You're not broken," Harry says into his ear as loving as possible. "And you're not useless. You were never useless. Your body just needs a little rest from all the physical trauma and your magic will be back."

"And what if it isn't?" Draco asks quietly.

"The person who did this to you wasn't a wizard. We would have sensed something from the protective spells 'round the gate, yeah?"

"Not if they didn't come in through the gate," Draco mumbles and Harry pretends not to hear him as he continues talking.

"And since they're a muggle, even with a potion and some bullet runes, they wouldn't be able to do the spellwork to make anything like this permanent."

"You're not even answering the question."

"Magic isn't all you are, Draco. No ones going to hate you if it takes a bit longer to build your strength back up. I can still feel your magical core. I'm not worried about what happens if you don't get your magic back because you will."

"I forgot how bloody optimistic you are when you aren't blaming yourself."

Harry nuzzles his face against Draco's neck, placing a kiss there.

"Would you rather I be blaming myself," he teases even if he can still feel the guilt clawing at his throat.

"Don't you dare," Draco says squeezing him tighter. It's quiet for a moment before he can hear the blonde talking softly into his hair. "D'you really think I'm going to be alright, again?"

"More than anything." He pulls back just enough to look into Draco's eyes, rubbing a thumb back and forth across his knuckles. "And if you need anything you know the boys and I are here for you. Val too, if you want."

"I think for right now, I just want to play it by ear."

"We can do that too. We're moving at your pace, Draco. Anything you need."

The blush that rises to the tips of Draco's ears has Harry smiling as he leans in for another kiss.

He knows they'll figure it out. They always do.


hey futher muckers
how are y'all?

so i wrote this at like 5am sorry for any mistakes, yall should know by now that i dont really get my work beta read unless its a long piece

anyways things are...okay
not bad
not great
but they're okay. im doing not shitty
and thats progress lmfao

i hope you guys are doing well too.
if you're having a down day  just know it gets better
and if you ever wanna talk im here

and on another note, if you ever wanna talk writing or fic ideas, im here for that too ☺️

this'll be up on ao3 after im done with classes for the day, just fyi

anywayssss lemme know how this chappie feels. love it? hate it?
as always, i hope y'all enjoyed

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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