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"But what if I—"

"Draco, I swear to Merlin I will incarcerous you to the bloody fucking bed if you don't lie still."

"I'm not quite sure what your kinks have to do with—" Draco shuts his mouth at the look Harry levels at him.

"The healer needs to recheck your magic, but he can't test it if you keep moving every time he comes near you with a wand."

"Oh yes, blame me for being traumatized," the blond croons dramatically.

"Do you like making my life more difficult?"

"Absolutely adore it."

"You're aiming for a divorce before the wedding? Is that it?" Harry challenges with a threatening smile, something else shaking in his eyes, but Draco gives.

"You're no fun. Fine, fine. Send in the strapping young healer."

"I can go wait in the lobby if you two would like some privacy?"

"Most men would be jealous."

Harry looks down at his soon-to-be husband, lounging on the check-out bed in a muggle hospital gown with a plastic cap trapping his hair. There are fuzzy gloves and socks on his hands and feet to minimize any stray magic from leaving his body. Harry raises a brow.

"You're right," says Harry with a straight face. "I can't believe I almost left you alone."

Draco, the mature man that he is, sticks his tongue out at Harry just as the aforementioned young and strapping Healer walks in, a clipboard and quick quotes quill floating in the air beside him.

"Sorry, sirs. Is this a bad time?"

Harry has to turn away and bite down on his knuckles to keep from laughing at the forced dignity Draco tries to present once he sees they are no longer alone.

"Not at all, Healer Smith. Do come in."

Harry actually does snort at that.

"If you sent a bat-bogey hex at him, I'd pretend I didn't see."

"Glad to know you'd protect me. love," Draco says.

"Here only to serve you, Draco, darling."

"That didn't sound very sincere. Did it, Healer Smith?" Draco watches somewhat wearily as Smith steps closer to him to start the diagnostic spells. When the healer lifts his wand, Draco squeezes Harry's hand, as much a comfort to him as it is to his fiancé.

They're here and alive and okay. He's okay. He's better than okay, he's good. He's—

"Fucking hell, you're making me go absolutely barking mad."

Draco doesn't notice the array of colors around him until he stops talking and huffs a breath. Harry is looking up at the different numbers and symbols, seemingly right in his element. There's a small smile on his face, and Draco focuses on that because if he looks anywhere else he'll take notice of Healer Smith who still has his wand out and aimed at him in order to keep the spells steady.

"Do you think..." Harry says softly, his eyes still watching the information floating above Draco's body, "do you want to get married after this?"

Draco feels his heartbeat spike at the same moment the lights explode into sparks above him.

"Potter, shut up," he snaps."Stop asking."

"I thought that one was a bit more romantic..."

"You ask me once a week."


"And it's not romantic when you keep asking after I keep declining. I'm about to wonder if you know how to take no for an answer."

"Maybe I'm hoping you'll change your mind."

"You can't ask that every time you see me laying in a hospital bed and think I'll just change my mind by the next time."

"Fucking hell, Malfoy. I just want to marry you, alright? There's no ulterior motive. I want to be married to you and I don't want the stress of a big wedding to make you change your mind or something. With everything that's been going on, I just... I want people to know that you're my husband and that I'm yours. I don't want there to be a question about the future. You're it for me."

"Me? You...You think I'm going to change my mind?" Draco spluttered, looking between Healer Smith and Harry. Just like a Gryffindor to spill his guts in front of a stranger. "I— Potter what the fuck? Where do you think I'm going!? I've been in love with you since school, for Salazar's sake. We have children! Did you think I was going to get tired of you and just...what? Leave?"

Harry isn't looking at him. Refuses to look anywhere but the scar, where it's still etched, on the back of his hand. Healer Smith has taken the chance to leave and though Draco doesn't notice immediately, he does feel lighter without the weight of a wand on him.

"You...you do, don't you. You think I'll...You're just waiting for me to leave again. P— Harry." Draco's voice cracks but Harry still doesn't look up at him. It breaks his heart to see. Harry would give him anything if it made him happy, has given him everything a million times over, but he still thinks Draco is going to run at the drop of a hat and honestly Draco can't blame him. It's what he's done before. It's what he's always done.

"Forget it," Harry says quietly, but now Draco knows why. Can practically see all the eggshells that his fiancé, the love of his bloody life, has been stepping on. He pushes Draco to heal and to be better and to be kinder, but he doesn't push any closer for fear that he'll be pushed away.

"Let's get married today," says Draco, holding a hand out for Harry to take. "Nothing big or extravagant. Just us and a couple witnesses."

Harry still looks withdrawn, like he hadn't expected them to look into his heart as well when they'd come to St. Mungos. Yet he still doesn't say anything. He looks over into Draco's eyes like he's searching for a lie. Draco isn't moving. He's pretty sure he'd stopped breathing when Harry turned those eyes onto him.

After a moment or two, it seems like Harry realizes it isn't a trick and he snatches up Draco's hand like a lifeline.

"I'm not going anywhere," Draco placates."It's you and me, Potter."

"You and me," echoes Harry, the smile easing back onto his face.


heyyyy futher muckers

im going to try to finish up this series as soon as possible

also i know ive been shit about updating, sorry. y'all know the deal. depression, anxiety, etc
ive gotten back in contact with my therapist and im testing some meds so we'll see how everything goes. taking this one step at a time.

i hope you're all doing well
staying safe and healthy and all that good stuff

lemme know if yall still like this fic...idk i feel like my motivation is kinda bleh about it.

so! love it? hate it? hate me?
lemme know!
as always, i hope yall enjoyed

love y'all
stay safe
black lives matter ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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