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Draco has been singing the same song on a loop from memory for the last who-knows-how-long, while Harry handles business with the aurors. As he finishes the second verse of another ballad while staring at the agonizingly slow-moving clock, he feels the wards of Robards' office shift. The door doesn't open but the magic that was holding him inside the room or keeping anyone else out of it has fizzled away. He's on edge without even that shoddy excuse of a pre-loaded magic wand that he was using when they were just pattering around the house as his current practice tool being that his magic is still out of commission.

"I know you're out there," he says with an eye roll, keeping his voice firm and running a tired hand through his greasy hair. He hadn't been feeling well before he was attacked so he feels a million times worse now. He wishes they could just go home. "If you're looking for Robards he's busy. However, if you're bringing in tea, then by all means..."

The door opens slowly with no sound or magical shift. When Draco looks over at it, there's a nondescript person standing there. He isn't sure what to make of them. Their face is forgettable as is their hair and clothing choice. It takes him longer than it should to realize they've casted a Notice-Me-Not charm and the only reason he's noticed them at all is because he's been sitting without magic for so long that every ounce of it is almost overwhelming to his core and the quick dismissal of Robards' wards have his own shackles rising.

"What do you want?" he sneers, stronger than he feels.

The person lifts a wand and aims it right at him, but before another motion can be made he feels a stiff metallic magic rushing through the air and tying them up in bonds.

"Are you alright, love?" Harry says as he strolls in, hands in his pockets and an odd gleam in his eyes.

"If that was wordless and wandless," he says sizing Harry up from head to toe, "I may have to shag you right here."

It takes nothing to realize that this isn't his fiancé. The magic, the posture, the too easy tone.

"Then, by all means," fake Harry says with a press smile and a shrug of his shoulders. Draco wonders if it's good or bad that he can tell an imposter from the real thing even through an almost perfect impersonation and has to stop himself from freezing when he realizes how long they must have been under surveillance for this person to pretend to be his love well enough on a surface level.

"In the Head Auror's office," Draco asks playing coy while peeling off his outer robes, "I'm sure he'd love that. Be great payback for turning our house upside-down."

Draco watches as the man in front of him stares at him lustfully. He isn't at his best of course, but he's never been hideous. He knows how to play to his strengths, draped against his seat in Robards office. The picture of false comfort.

As fake Harry steps closer, Draco runs through a list of things in his head that he can say to buy a little more time. He thinks his best bet would be to be on offense. He stands, sauntering over to Robards desk to lean onto it a bit, keeping his weight steady with his hands, and crossing his legs at the ankles.

"On the desk?" asks fake Harry making Draco smirk.

"I'll bend you over wherever you want, Potter."

"Oh?" fake Harry says, his steps stuttering as he continues to corner Draco.

"Yes," Draco continues emphatically, inwardly rolling his eyes at himself. "I'll get to actually see you be blushing and pregnant this time."

He pushes himself up from the desk until he's chest to chest with whoever the man in front of him is. He runs falsely playful fingers up the guy's arm until he has a soft grip on his shoulder and can pull him back against the desk with him. When he feels the wood against the back of his thighs, he lets the other hand grab for the heaviest thing he can find.

The bright side of someone pretending to be Harry, Draco thinks, is how well he knows Harry's body. With a light squeeze he has the imposter on his knees between his legs. One surprise hit over the head would have the man out cold, but with a whispered reversal spell he has Draco on his knees, hands tied behind his back.

"Thought maybe we could do something different this time," the man says and the small shy smile he eases onto Harry's face looks almost real.

Draco starts to respond, a fake smile on his lips even if his brows are furrowed and unsure, but when he opens his mouth he tastes the static electricity of Harry's magic and drops to the floor just as the door bursts open and a stunning charm hits the fake Harry square in the chest.

He turns to see Harry standing there, the real Harry, his hair wild and his scars glowing.

"How's Father," asks Draco once he's rolled over and pushed himself up into a sitting position on the floor. Harry comes over to help him up while eye-ing his look alike frozen on Robards' desk.

"Not as much of an arse as usual," Harry says with a grin.

"I'm sure Robards was surprised." He turns around and holds his hands out for Harry to release him. "Where is he anyway?"

"He's head auror, he has to approve your father's release."

"Fine," he sighs. "So what did you find out?"

"Lucius thinks you hate him," says Harry, untying him then sending an incarcerous at the polyjuiced version of himself.

"I don't have the energy to hate him." Draco rolls his eyes outwardly this time and rubs at his wrists. "I meant what did you learn about the case, Potter."

"Seems like this is all connected to that muggle that tried to take James."

"A muggle with a magic gun?"

"Well the gun itself wasn't magic, just used bullets infused with magic runes and—" He stops talking at the look Draco levels him then sends him a concerned smile while looking him over. "Foiled kidnapping aside, you look better."

"Being exposed to all of the magic in the Ministry helps. Even if it is a little overwhelming."

"At least something good came out of this trip then." Harry leans in and kisses Draco like he's missed him. "Come on, we're free to go."

When they finally pull away, the fake Harry is slowly turning back into himself. His hair is black but much longer. His eyes are beady little blue specks in a olive-toned face. Neither of them can identify him but Harry thinks that he looks familiar. He narrows his eyes but makes quick work of tying the two attackers together and dragging them out of Robards' office with them.

They find Ron's desk and drops them off there before walking over to the lift, meeting up with Draco's parents and leaving together.

It's an odd look, both Harry and Draco think, but when they make eye contact they can't help but smile.

"Think they're involved?" Harry asks purposely casual, not trying to draw attention to their clear suspicion while looking over at the bound men as the lift doors close in front of them.

"Oh, absolutely," Draco responds, his arms crossed. "You know how long it takes to brew a good batch of polyjuice."

"It never stops does it," Harry says with a sigh, more to himself and the lift shoots up and out of the ministry.


yo futher muckers
how goes it?
hope everyones safe & healthy

apparently i wrote this like a week ago and just forgot to post so...sorry about that 😅

hate it? love it? lemme know.
also open to hear any questions, comments, concerns, or queries
but as always i hope yall enjoyed
and this chap will be up on Ao3 later today as well

love yall
stay safe
black lives matter ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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