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Harry stood amidst a battle he hadn't expected to be happening to him again. He's fighting the images in his head of Hogwarts falling apart around them while staring at the crumbling of his own house, his home, as Aurors throw spell after spell. His first thought is to clear civilians. His instinct has always been to save. He grips Val tight.

"Hold onto me, okay?"

She does as he asks and he apparates to her apartment before quickly prying her off of him.

"Stay here," he emphasizes. "I'm coming right back with the boys."

He flashes between her living room and the boys' bedrooms back at his place just above the shouting and fighting and spell-flinging downstairs. In seconds he has his sons in his grip.

"I'm apparating," he tells them as a firm warning. He sucks in a breath, but he can already feel the tugging in his gut. He lets the breath out in the living room of Val's flat.

"Harry!" she yells once he lands, pulling him, Teddy, and James into a hug. She squats a bit lower to check their faces for scratches or scars, turning both James and Teddy's faces from left to right. When she sees that they're both physically fine she tugs them each closer for another hug. Harry watches her stand and fix him with a look that says he should explain, but what he needs to do right now is go back to Draco. He's gone before she can even open her mouth.

Harry stumbles back into the shambles of his own living room. He can't remember where he's laid his wand so he tries his best to not scream while taking stock of the room. He can hear Lucius complaining because he's pinned down somewhere down the hall, wrapped in an incarcerous. Narcissa is quietly fuming with her arms bound. And Draco...

Suddenly Harry freezes. There's a wizard coming closer trying to talk to him, but he's deaf to it. Everything is black as his sight narrows. His blood is boiling and his magic is buzzing in his ears. He thinks that maybe the floo has gone off behind him with Narcissa and Lucius hurtling towards the Ministry, still bound, but he only has eyes for Draco and the Auror holding him up by his neck.

Harry's magic erupts. Swirling and expanding and exploding around them like a hurricane.


Oddly enough, this isn't Draco's first time waking up in shackles, though the experience is much less fun when his lover isn't there whispering apologies and sweet nothings into his skin.

He can smell the aftershocks of rain and lightning. Taste it on his tongue like a thunderstorm. It's bold and brass but careful and tender and Harry. He looks around hoping to find the reason for why Harry's magic is surging out like this. What he sees instead is the face of a man who's defeated a dark lord. A man who has died twice and lived to tell the tale. A man with a glowing scar on his forehead and his hand and magic crackling around him as he stands above hexed and incarcerous-ed Aurors.

A man whom he loves so intrinsically he can hardly imagine doing anything else.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks sinking down onto his knees to get rid of the binds from the spell the Auror had shoved on Draco, the DMLE officers still lying across his floor in different places.

"I—" Draco starts but his voice cracks. He clears it and tries again, his eyes flashing and searching around the room. "I'm fine. Where are the boys?"

"I took them to Val's place before it got too barmy."

"You mean before you obliterated the law enforcement."

"They were hurting you," Harry says unapologetic and Draco watches as Harry runs a thumb across what he's sure to be a finger shaped bruises wrapping around his neck. He closes his eyes as Harry's healer grade magic kisses the ache away from his skin.

"I'm fine, Potter." He doesn't realize his hands are free until he raises them to Harry's face in order to pull him closer into a soft but quick kiss. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. All I did was buy us some time. They're still going to want to pull you and Lucius in for questioning."

"I've already gone through questioning."

"Well they're going to want to pull you in for questioning again. Now that you aren't strapped to a hospital bed."

"Seven hells," Draco says running a hand down his face then taking a glance around the destroyed room. His eyes freeze on the couch. It'd been through over 11 years of shit with them and in moments or was destroyed. He wonders if that's a sign for how his life with Harry is bound to be, even after they've agreed to be married.

Harry follows his line of sight to the couch, the first thing they'd bought together the first time they'd started dating, and smiles a sad smile.

"We could fix it," he suggests but Draco shakes his head. It's past the point of just being stained or broken. It's burned in more places than one, the upholstery ripped in too many places to count, and he can feel the magic pulsing from whatever curse the Aurors hurled at it.

"It's about time we get a new one." Draco shrugs. "You've had this since before James was born. It's time we moved on. We aren't the same people we were when we bought this."

Harry looks as though he wants to argue, but he looks around at the mess the DMLE has made of their home and he grits his teeth against whatever petty argument was building in his head.

That's the thing about dating a war hero who has grown into a doctor, Draco supposes, he knows how to prioritize.

"We're going to talk about this," says Harry as if he can read Draco's mind, instead of just the smugness on his face. They start at each other in challenge, but Harry breaks first. "...After we stop by the bloody Ministry to find out why they had to fucking blow the house apart to bring you in for questioning. But we are going to talk."

" Oh, yes. Of course we are, love."

"I'm serious."

"I'm sure you are."

"You're a git."

"And you love me anyway." Draco smirks when Harry snaps his mouth closes.

"Doesn't make you any less of a git."

"Ever the charmer, aren't you, Potter." He grabs Harry's hand and kisses his knuckles before pulling him towards the fireplace. "Let's go see you destroy the DMLE Offices next."

They each grab a pinch of floo powder from the canister on the mantle and then they're off,  twisting through the flames.


hey futher muckers
hows quarantine treating ya?

new chappie
and i actually had this one kinda sorta beta read so thats new

dont forget to ask any questions or just yell at me in the comments
i love hearing what y'all have to say
and as always i hope you all enjoyed
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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