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When they make it to the Ministry's Court to sign the paperwork, Hermione, Ron, Parkinson, and Zabini, who Draco invited, are already there. They smile at them with knowing eyes and Harry knows it's going to be okay.

There's nothing fancy about any of it, though they do both have on well-tailored suits. Teddy and James are also dressed smart yet simple in button-downs and tailored trousers that Draco insisted on, but neither of them is wearing a tie or formal dressing robes.

It takes 18 minutes for Harry to marry the love of his life. 32 minutes, if he includes the waiting time, but he doesn't. 18 minutes, 2 kisses, a boatload of tears, and he's done it.

He grabs Draco's hand as they walk out of the ceremonial circle and smiles at him. The rings on their fingers are simple, gold and silver bands looped with a band of jade and lined with small inset diamonds. They were expensive, sure, but they weren't gaudy. It's taken years for Harry to be able to spend more than he strictly needs, but it feels good to have done this. To have gotten a ring worthy of his husband.

"Seven hells," says Draco squeezing his hand. "You're thinking. Stop it. I can see the smoke coming from your ears. It's not very attractive."

"Oh, shut it."

"Let me hear it then. What's got you all in your head?" He props his head on Harry's shoulder, looking up into his eyes playful yet serious. "You've just married the sexiest bachelor this side of the Thames, not including Blaise. What's there to think about?"

"How lucky I am to be here with you," Harry says easily. He watches happily as the blood rushes to Draco's cheeks all the way up to the tips of his ears and down the collar of his shirt.

"Goddammit, Potter," he says pushing away from Harry to look anywhere else, but he still keeps their hands locked together.

"It's Malfoy-Potter now, actually."

Harry smiles wider as the blush grows impossibly deeper beneath Draco's pale skin. He knows they look sickeningly happy as they lead their family and friends to a nice muggle restaurant for dinner and he wonders why it took them so long to get here.

Harry's phone rings just as they sit at the table. He lets go of Draco's hand to dig it out of his coat's breast pocket and smiles triumphantly at the table when he finds it.

"A real catch you have there, Draco," Zabini says as Harry answers and he sticks his tongue out at him.

"Saviour of the Wizarding World," Draco reminds them jokingly with a sage nod. Harry sticks his tongue out at him too.

Everyone at the table laughs a bit before breaking off into their own conversations and he finally turns his attention to the call.


"Hey, Hare, I figured you guys would be done at the hospital by now so I stopped by the house but no one's here. Are the boys at Hermione and Ron's place?"

"Oh," Harry says intelligently. He forgot to tell Val.

"Oh? Oh, what?"

"Oh...we're uh out for dinner?" He knows it sounds like a question, but he can't imagine how he forgot to mention any of this to Val even if he knew she was working today. "You should join us. Hermione and Ron are here too. I forgot to mention."

"Oh," she says this time. "Well, where are you?"

"We're at Quaglino's over by—"

"Fucking hell, Hare. I know where it's by, but that place is... I can't afford to eat there!"

"Me and Draco are paying. Don't worry about it. We're celebrating."

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