Chapter 5

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I walked out of my class and hurried down the hall to Suzy and my meet up place. By the time she had gotten within earshot I had already started telling her. Her eyes were full of wonder and excitement by the time I had finished. "Oh my gosh that means we can get ready together!" I smiled at this idea. "Yeah and we ca.." "We can get mini pedies together, and curl our hair, and wear matching dresses..." I let her ramble on as we headed to gym class together. I was glad that as we unpacked there was some stalls open for us to change in private. Neither of us liked to change in front of people. "Oh look its the dumb blondes." The preppy cheerleader Kathy had just walked in with her 'possy'. "Just leave us alone! Or I'll give you something to smirk about!" Suzy replied at kathy with her fist held back and about to swing. Luckily I grabbed her arm before she could do anything. "So I heard you were invited to Bradleys party, at least now we know what the entertainment will be." The 'left girl' agreed, "Don't forget your red nose and wigs girls." "Get away from me twit!" called out Suzy as the Preps turned and pranced away. "Uh, excuse me?" Kathy spat as she turned to face us. "Come on Suzy just let it go!" I whispered to my best friend. "Its not worth it." "Uh!" She groaned as we turned to leave. "Why would we just leave and let her have the satisfaction?" "Because we are better people, and I don't want to get suspended and not get to go to that party!" "How would you get suspended?" "I'm your best friend... I'm going to help you in a fight!" I said with a smile. Suzy grinned back at me and wrapped her arm around me as we walked to the mirrors to pull our hair back. "So do you want to go to the mall with me later so we can get our dresses?" Suzy said as she applied her mascara. "Dresses?" I replied with a mistified tone. "Oh come on Sam! You have to wear a dress with me!" She said with her puppy dog eyes. I shook my head but she was already smiling and flushing her eyelashes. I sighed. Suzy cheered and dragged my arm to the dressing area. We quickly dressed in our matching blue tank tops and black short shorts. Today i was wearing a sports bra instead of the push-up bras we usually wear. I just don't feel confortable in something that pinches my sides. I just hope noone notices today. My sneakers were at least together. My last pair had a tear at the back and holes in the front, so every time I ran the heal would snap up and hit me in the ankles. I used to go home and dip my feet in ice to cool off the blisters that were on the roof of popping. "LET'S GO LADIES!!" Coach yelled at us from the changing room door as the rat girl pushed her way into the room. "Eww look what the garbage truck dropped off for us today!" snickered Kathy. Rat girl, Elizabeth, ducked her head down and crouched to the corner of the room. She put down all of her stuff except the one bag she keeps strapped around her shoulder. Probably where her rat stays. She tried not getting noticed but with her long black hair with white highlights and dark makeup, it"s kinda hard not to notice her. "Hey, Rat girl." Kathy infisized. Elizabeth just ignored her and stood there staring at the floor. "I said Hey rat girl!" Kathy repeated as she shoved Elizabeth into a stall door. "Hey leave her alone!" I couldn't help it. The words just slipped out of my mouth. "Excuse me?" Kathy snapped at me. "You heard her," Suzy backed me up "leave her alone!" "Oh really, how bout I take this," she held up her fist "and put it...." "Put it where?" Coach interrupted her. "In my mouth apparently." She muttered as she gave me an evil stare and turned to leave. Suzy turned to me and gave me a high five. It's been such a good day today.

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