Chapter 7

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I walked through the door to my house with a huge smile on my face. I just really wanted to go to this party. Mom wasn't home yet so I quickly did the dishes. I turned on the music and hopped upstairs. I rummaged through my room and put away my clothes and cleaned my shelves. As I was vacuuming my floor, I heard the bus pass by. Alex must be home. The front door slammed close as muffled talking echoed in the kitchen. "I'm home Sam!" He yelled up the stairs at me. "Don't eat yet I'm making dinner for you and mom!" I yelled back. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. whatever." he mumbled. I grabbed my backpack and sat it on the desk in the corner of my room. I'll do homework after the party. I hope mom gets home soon so I can go to the mall with Suzy before it closes. I just hope mom says yes. I stumbled lazily downstairs and pranced to the kitchen. I past by the den where I could here a conversation rising. Alex brought a friend over? "Alex who is this?" I asked him as soon as I saw his friend. "Oh uhmm this is Mitch. He's my bestfriend. Mom said I could have him over." He quickly replied. I turned and headedx to the kitchen again.

After mom got home I set the table. "What's all this?" She asked me as she sat down her coat on the love seat. "I just figured you needed a nice hot meal that costs no strain. And that doesn't come from a paper bag or an ordered box." "What dp you want?" She asked me with an accusational look. "Uh, nothing! I can't believe you would accuse me of wanting something every time I do something good for you!" I gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you by the way!" "Oh what did you do then?" She questioned me. "What do I have to bail you out of this time?" "Oh no it's not that, I do want something." I finally agreed with her. I explained suzy and my plans. After I had finished my mom looked like she was about to fall sleep. "Mom!?" I yelled as I snapped my fingers. She looked arounf the room in confusement and pretended like she was actuslly asleep. "So can I?" I questioned her. "Can you what?" She teased. I took a deep breathe and sighed. "I"m just messing with you, of course you can!" I gave my mom a huge hug and ran upstairs to call Suzy. "Yes!!!" she said as I explained everything. "My mom is going to take us in 20 minutes and drop us off at the mall. Be ready in time!" I set down my phone and grabbed my purse and money. I had a nice amount that I've been saving up for a good day. I grabbed my jacket and stopped by my mom's room. She was on her computer typing away. She looked really buzy and I didn't want to bother her until i pushed the door open just a little more and saw my brother in her bed with her. I crept in the room as my mom looked up at me. "I'm going to the mall with Suzy in a minute to pick out outfits." I told her as I gave her a hug goodbye. "Okay be safe, love you." She replied and instantly went back to typing.

We got to the mall and went into the first place we saw. Suzy found a dress right off the bat and pushed in my face so I would go change into it. When i came out Suzy looked stunned. And so did half the rest of the store. "Wow you look hot!!!" The dress was a black leather tight dress with blue lace around the strapless top and in the middle. I went over to the mirror to check this out. Hey! I thought to myself. I do look hot! When I turned around Suzy had already ventured off to find herself a dress. "So do you like it?" I yelled at her from the back of the store. I got about five different yes' from around the place. Embarrassed, I turned and casually walked into my dressing room to change back into my comfortable civilian clothes. After about and hour and five stores later, we found a light blue strapless dress with ruffles at the bottom that worked their way up to the top on one side, for Suzy. She absolutely fell in love with it. After that we went to the Shoe Palace. Suzy found some black six inch heels with black bows at the toes. Eventually we found some five inch heels, with a strapp around the ankle and several straps on the top of the foot evenly spaced out, for me.

When I got back home it was already 7 and the party started at 10. Me and Suzy were hoping to go together so I went home to tell my mom, and to get my curling iron. "Mom! Where are you?" I yelled into the quiet house. I went up pthe stairs to see if she was in her room. Sure enough, my mom was laying in her bed asleep with my brother. It's early to be sleeping so she must have had a bad day. I let them be and walked down the hallway to my room. I texted Suzy and told her I'd be over in a minute. I walked to my bathroom and finally found my curling iron after twenty minutes of searching. By that time I was rushing around to get everything. I ran across the street and knocked on the door. Penny answered, "It was bad enough I had to drive you to the mall, now you're coming to get ready?" She spat her usual critisism at me. "Thanks nice to see you, too." I smiled my usual cocky smile at her. I ran up to Suzy's room with Penny dead on my heals again. "You better not get her into any trouble young lady." Penny spat at me as she clothes the door and stalked off. "Hey girl!" I said in a cheery tone. "Hey so I've already set up the dresses in the bathroom for us to change into. Will you let me do your makeup today, just this once?" She begged. I nodded my head and saw her bright smile flash back at me. After two hours of getting ready we were finally ready for the party. We still had some time to spare so we went ahead and accesorized with some earrings and necklaces. When we were done we both stood in front of a full body mirror to see our final looks. This was deffinately going to be the best night of my life. So I thought. We got to the party twenty minutes late because we got lost three times. Finally when we showed up we could already hear the music and laughter. We got out of the car and waved Suzy's mom off. As we waited for someone to answer the door, we checked over our selves to make sure everything stayed. "You look great Sam!" Suzy complimented me. "Not as great as you!" She hugged me as the front door opened and Bradley greeted us. We walked in and was strangely hit by the smell of liquor. My face cringed up in disgust. "Don't worry its non achoholic. Everything will be fine." Bradley assured me. Me and Suzy hung out with some really cool people right at the start. We started talking about what schools we all go to and come to find out, they go to the same school as us. As we talked, I saw these strange men walking around and staring at people. It was creepy but I shrugged it off. It was such an excitement to see the skater dudes skate down the stair bars. Me and Suzy were there for about three hours before some guy came running down the stairs and yelling "The police are here, everybody OUT!!!" Then you could here the door slam shut and lock. "Nobody is going anywhere." Said a booming voice from the entry way. A man with a gun stood there. The same man I saw earlier stalking around. Screams came from nearly everyone in this room. It was hard to tell if the rest of the people in the hous had gotten out or not but all I knew was there was a man. And a gun. Eventually the man had made us all sit with our faces to one wall as he held the gun behind us and said if any of us tried anything he'd shoot. Someone must've called the police over suspision because now we heard police sirens blazing and pounding on the door as they tried to break up the party that wasn't going on. The man with the gun freaked out and told us to stay down and not say anything. That if we ran he'd just have the other guys shoot us. None of us listened. As soon as he was around the corner to the door and out of earshot, whispers rose up. One person started crying and another slowly rocked themself. "Yo Bradley, don't you got a back door we can sneak out of?" One of the skater dudes asked. "Yea, yea but its through the kitchen and we'd have to sneak by any other guys to get there." came the response. "I say we do it!" One girl said, "what are our chances of even getting caught. I'd rather run for it than have to stay here with some lunatic who could keep us here for days." Everyone agreed with her. I even did myself. Me and Suzy stood to a crouch, as did the others. Bradley lead the way quickly to the kitchen and slowly to the back door. He didn't even get the door open before we heard "HEY!" being yelled from the living room. Then fast footsteps as the man ran to stop us. We hurried and pulled open the door and sprinted out. All of us split up and ran different directions except for me and Suzy. We ran straight for the street towards the intersection of our street. The last thing I heard was several gunshots. And a body fall down beside me. "Suzy!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I tried running back to her but someone caught my arm and dragged me to safety.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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