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yall wanted 2jae's meeting!! here!! i guess ! it's short but these chapters aren't really meant to be really long.. anyways i hope you guys enjoy it~~!


youngjae excitedly entered the airport, only having his small carry on backpack with him at the moment. of course his phone and headphones were out too, and he felt his phone buzz, seeing it was the groupchat. 

"yah, choi youngjae, you are on that phone too much! we've just arrived in seoul, get off of it!" youngjae's mom nagged, guiding him towards the luggage pickup. 

"mom, this is important.." youngjae whined, opening the message. it was from jaebum, and he gasped when he read it, looking around. he spotted jaebum and jinyoung jumping around and waving over to him from not too far away, smiling widely. 

"GUYSS!" youngjae screamed, dashing towards the two. jaebum met him halfway, and youngjae jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. 

"YOUNGJAE YOU'RE SO CUTE!!" jaebum hollered, hugging him tightly and catching him. jinyoung giggled and snapped pictures of the two, just watching them happily. he was more interested in the two than meeting youngjae himself, really. 

"ahhh! oh my god!" youngjae blushed, hopping out of his arms. jaebum grinned happily and shook youngjae's shoulder, making the boy laugh. 

"choi youngjae! why would you run off like that?" youngjae's mom came stamping over, seeing two other boys standing there, and raised an eyebrow. "who are these boys?"

"mom.. ugh.." youngjae whined, blushing a bit. jaebum let go of him and bowed down, a full 90 degree angle, jinyoung copying his actions by his side. 

"hello ma'am! i'm jb, we're friends." jaebum smiled, looking back up. 

"hello mrs. choi, i'm park jinyoung, it's very nice to meet you." jinyoung smiled. 

"oh, what kind boys! i'm youngjae's mother. how did you three meet?" she smiled, shaking their hands. 

"a group chat on instagram actually.." jaebum admitted, and she hummed, nodding her head. 

"well, why don't you come along? he has to get his things home and then he can go out with you two." she smiled, and everyone agreed. 


once youngjae finished getting his things situated, with the help of jinyoung and jaebum of course, the trio set out, walking along the han river happily. jaebum was very tempted to just grab youngjae's hand, but refrained, thinking that was far to early to make a move. 

"so, where are you going to school at?" jinyoung asked, and youngjae shrugged. 

"not sure, i think it's.. hansung highschool?" youngjae shrugged, and jaebum gasped. 

"yes! that's where me and jinyoung are going!" jaebum grinned, and youngjae smiled happily. 

"YAY! good! now we'll all be together! and when am i meeting your boyfriend by the way, jinyoung?" youngjae grinned, and jinyoung blushed. 

"oh, maybe tomorrow.. i don't know.." 

"aww, so cute~" youngjae giggled, and skipped down the sidewalk of the river. "it's so pretty here! when does school start?" 

"well we're on summer break right now, not for at least a few more months." jaebum shrugged, watching him. he found him very adorable. 


"youngjae, honey, are you hungry?" jinyoung asked, the younger nodding his head. 

"HEY NO, HE IS MY HONEY," jaebum pouted, and jinyoung snorted. youngjae blushed and followed the two to a river side ramyun store, going inside and buying packages. 

once they cooked them, they sat down a table, eating the noodles quickly. 

"jb, wanna try my noodles?" youngjae smiled. 

"sure." he shrugged, opening his mouth. youngjae reached over the table and placed the ramyun in his mouth, grinning cutely once he finished succesfully. jaebum chewed thoughtfully on the food, getting his own idea. 

"try mine too?" he asked, and youngjae simply opened his mouth. jinyoung watched with interest as jaebum fed youngjae the noodles, snapping pictures and giggling to himself. he sent them to the groupchat and to his boyfriend, yejun, to let him know what he'd be dealing with. 

soon, they finished up, and had a good rest of the day, dropping youngjae back off at his house when it became dark, going back to their own houses. 

youngjae would have to admit, it was the best day he'd ever had, in the history of best days ever. 

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