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mark and jinyoung walked up to what they believed was bambam's house, looking at each other with worry. they weren't sure what to expect.

"i'll ring the doorbell." mark said softly, jinyoung nodding his head. once they reached the door, they quietly prayed in their heads that bambam was okay.

with slight hesitation, mark rang the doorbell. after a few seconds, a girl answered.

"yes?" she said in thai, and the two boys weren't sure what she said.

"w-we um, don't speak thai." mark said in english.

"oh!" she nodded. "i will.. get my brother." she said in broken english, cracking the door shut. the two boys were panicking inside, not sure what would happen.

she returned with her brother, and the two boys nearly screamed. it was bambam, but he was covered in bruises and dried blood. he looked horrible.

"m-mark? jinyoung?" bambam gasped, his voice weak and raspy.

"b-bambam, oh my god, you're alive." was all jinyoung could muster out, stepping forward.

"w-what happened? why do you look like that?" mark said softly, clearing his throat and looking at bambam with worry. the younger just looked away, gulping.

"bambam, are they those friends of yours?" his sister asked softly, holding onto his wrist.

"yes, baby." bambam nodded.

"then go, go. i'll cover for you." baby smiled.

"baby, would if mom hurts you like me?" bambam said with worry, looking down at his little sister.

"it won't happen, okay?" she said. "invite them in, tell them you'll be right down."

"okay.." bambam nodded, opening the door. he was wearing the same clothes as he was from the day he left, and he looked horrible. "come in." bambam said softly.

"okay." the two said, walking into his house. they stood at the door as they watched baby help bambam up the stairs as quick as possible.

"mom will be home in ten minutes, get as much as your stuff as possible packed!" baby said, going into his room with him.

"i'm gonna miss you." bambam teared up, hugging his little sister.

"i'll visit soon, okay?" baby smiled, hugging him back and then pulling away to grab the suitcase he used when he visited namyangju.

they quickly packed his things, three minutes remaining as she helped him down the stairs.

"please take care of him!" baby said in heavily accented korean, giving them his bag.

"we will." mark bowed his head, along with jinyoung. mark gave the bag to jinyoung, and decided on carrying bambam, walking out of his house quickly.

it was all so scary, running away and all. they quickly got into the car that mark rented, speeding off just as his mother pulled up into the driveway.

"tell us what happened when we get back to korea." mark said softly. bambam was already nodding off, and jinyoung set bambam's head in his lap sweetly.

"sleep, you need it." jinyoung said softly, but bambam's eyes shot open, filled with fear.

"would if m-my mom finds me?" bambam stuttered out, gripping onto jinyoung's wrists.

"we won't let her, okay?" jinyoung smiled. "i'll sing you to sleep."

"o-okay." bambam mumbled, curling up into jinyoung's hold, closing his eyes. jinyoung start to softly sing a korean lullaby, bambam smiling softly and quickly drifting off.

"i wonder what the hell happened." mark said softly, trying not to wake bambam.

"me too." jinyoung mumbled, comfortingly running his hands through the snoring boys hair. "he looks horrible."

"i know.." mark sighed, getting onto the highway.


it was three in the morning when the trio arrived at mark's apartment, bambam still asleep and jinyoung too tired to go back home.

mark hadn't gotten a second bed for bambam yet, so he let him sleep in his bed. mark and jinyoung slept together on the couch, falling asleep the minute their heads hit the pillows. they were exhausted.

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