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2 years later

"bambam, just listen to me!" yugyeom yelled, grabbing the skinny wrist of his boyfriend.

"no!" bambam sobbed out, sniffling. "what is there to listen to? what explanation could you possibly have for that?!" the boy cried, shaking his head.

they were both seventeen now, and on bambam's birthday, yugyeom took him to see a seventeen concert. but, things didn't go as planned.

a girl grabbed him and danced with him, and he was grinding on her, thinking it was bambam because of the dark. they even made out for a few seconds before yugyeom realized that those lips didn't feel as nice as bambam's did.

of course, bambam saw it at all the wrong time and took it wrong. he had stormed out of the concert in tears, having to sit down against the wall after realizing yugyeom was his ride home.

he had texted mark to come pick him up, and as he pulled up, yugyeom had finally found the older boy and dashed over to him.

their small argument came quick to an end when they realized people were staring at them, and bambam quickly got in the car, telling mark to hurry up and go.

yugyeom teared up and walked out to his own car, getting in. he slammed his fists down on the steering wheel, hitting his head against it even. he broke down crying, the sobs wracking his body.

"bambam, what happened?" mark asked softly, following the boy up to his room.

"i don't want to talk about it right now." bambam said with a hurt tone, kicking his shoes off and crawling under his covers.

"are you sure?" mark asked, sitting down next to him and rubbing his arm comfortingly.

"no." bambam cried more, sitting up and burying his face into mark's chest, sobbing more.

"what happened?" mark asked softly.

"yugyeom was grinding on some girl, and even made out with her." bambam choked out.

"oh my god.." mark frowned, hugging the boy tighter.

"youngjae.." jaebum started out, getting on his knee and grabbing his hand. youngjae looked down at jaebum with wide eyes, hoping this was what he thought it was.


"you've been such a blessing to my life, baby." jaebum started out, looking at him with eyes full of love. "and i can't imagine going a day without you, so," jaebum continued, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a velvet box, opening it to reveal a diamond ring. "would you stay with me, for the rest of our life? and do me the honor of marrying me?" jaebum asked, ignoring the people who stared at them, saying things such as "aww," or "how sweet!"

all that mattered at that moment was youngjae.

"j-jaebum!" youngjae gasped, crying as he quickly tackled him to the ground, hugging him and crying into the crook of his neck. "yes! yes! of course i'd marry you!"

jaebum laughed happily and sat up, hugging his now-fiancé.

"thank you," jaebum said softly, pulling away and standing back up.

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