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3 more years later

a soft, crying noise broke bambam out of his light slumber. he heard the bigger man lying next to him sigh for a brief second, and opened his eyes.

"i'll get it." bambam mumbled tiredly, sitting up and rubbing the sleep of his eyes.

"are you sure?"

"mhmm. go back to sleep, gyeom." bambam smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek and stepping onto the carpeted floor of the apartment. the crying noises continued, and bambam quickly walked into the room across the hall, pouting.

"shh, shh, what's wrong, hyukjae?" bambam said in a soothing voice, picking the much smaller human up. instead of replying, of course, the baby continued crying. the noises went softer once the baby realized it was in bambam's arms, gripping onto whatever he could, which was his shirt. bambam smiled softly and pat the baby's butt and few times, setting him on the changing table.

"is he okay?" yugyeom mumbled, stepping into the room.

"he just needs a diaper change." bambam said, squatting down in front of the doors of the table, grabbing a diaper and some baby powder.

he quickly changed the baby, which made him stop crying. bambam smiled at that, picking hyukjae up and pressing a kiss to his forehead. in return, hyukjae let out a soft noise that indicated happiness, and gripped onto bambam's shirt again.

"are you okay now?" bambam asked softly, cradling the baby. yugyeom smiled himself, and leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek. again, that made hyukjae let out another noise of happiness, and reached his free arm out. yugyeom only smiled more and held his finger out for the baby to grab, chuckling softly when the baby gripped onto his much larger finger.

"cutie." yugyeom smiled.

"let's get you back to bed, okay?" bambam said, walking back over to the crib. yugyeom walked with him, still letting hyukjae grip onto his finger. he pulled it away once bambam slowly lowered the baby down, smiling at him.

"goodnight." the two said, watching as hyukjae fell back asleep almost instantly. they quietly walked back into their room, getting back into their bed.

yugyeom wrapped his arms around bambam's waist, pulling him close to his body. bambam smiled at that, nuzzling himself into yugyeom's warm neck, pressing a quick kiss there.

"goodnight." yugyeom said tiredly. bambam hummed in response, gnawing on his lower lip.

"gyeom?" bambam asked softly.

"what's wrong?"

"do you ever regret it?"

"regret what, angel?" yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows, pressing a kiss to his brunette colored hair.

"adopting hyukjae? i know sometimes it's hard raising him.. but do you regret it?" bambam asked softly, his heart pounding in his chest nervously.

"of course not, bam. adopting hyukjae was the best decision i made in life." yugyeom smiled. "after marrying you, of course."

"really?" bambam smiled, pulling away just a bit to look at him. yugyeom nodded his head and pecked his lips.

"yeah. having to wake up like this is hard, and it is difficult to do it sometimes, but i could never regret it. i love him like he's my own son."

"technically he is." bambam giggled.

"you know what i mean." yugyeom grinned, pulling him closer again. "let's get back to bed though, they're coming over tomorrow."

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