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y'all. i am ready to make a new story already. i really want to do a crack got7 chatfic, but i also wanna change up my cinema 7 story and make it,more crack like. or maybe keep that one and do another story that they work at somewhere and it's just crack man. idk what to do!!


bambam woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar room, looking around in confusion.

had they made it back to korea already?

he slipped out from under the sheets, walking out to the hall to hear two voices chatting amongst one another.

once he realized it was mark and jinyoung, he smiled softly and walked down the hall, towards where he heard the voices.

"hey?" bambam said softly, his voice still raspy. the two immediately stopped their chatter, looking at the younger boy.

"hey kiddo." mark smiled, walking over. jinyoung followed over with a soft grin, giving him a hug.

"how did you sleep?" jinyoung asked.

"good.. what time is it?" bambam asked, looking out of the window.

"it's one, you slept for a long time." mark chuckled softly.

"yeah." bambam nodded, biting his lip. "you probably want to know what happened, right?"

"only if you're okay with it." mark said, sitting down on his couch. bambam nodded his head and sat with them, sighing a bit.

"when i told my mom about me and yugyeom, she was so angry and disappointed.. she grabbed me and took my phone and smashed it onto the ground." bambam started, looking at his lap. "then she dragged me down the stairs to our basement and threw me to the ground.. i hit my head and it hurt, and she started hitting me and kicking me, and yeah.. for a week she starved me a-and-"

"oh my god, what do you want to eat? i'll get whatever you want!" mark said with sorry. jinyoung hugged him softly, shaking his head.

"are you okay? did she leave any other marks on you?" jinyoung asked.

"guys.." bambam said softly, and the two immediately calmed down. "stop making such a fuss, please."

"do you need anything?" mark asked softly, rubbing his shoulder.

"can i just have like.. some toast?" bambam asked.

"is that all?" jinyoung asked.

"a-and yugyeom.. i.. please?" bambam said, tearing up.

"of course." jinyoung smiled, pulling his phone out.

"i'll get your food." mark smiled, getting up and walking to his kitchen.



do you guys have yugyeom?


can you come over to mark's?

sure, we're on our way

do you have my baby
is he there
is he okay
please tell,me he's safe and with you guys

just come over

we'll be there in 10
is he okay?


exactly ten minutes later, there was a soft knock at mark's door, startling bambam.

"w-would if my mom found us?" bambam said with fear, staring at the door with wide eyes.

"we won't let her get you, okay?" mark said, patting his head and getting up from the table. bambam nodded and finished off his toast, playing around with the leftover crumbs.

mark opened his door, smiling softly when jackson and the others were there. mark hugged onto jackson tightly, sighing a bit.

"what's wrong?" jackson said, looking around.

"is he okay? where is he- m-mark, where is my- oh my god." yugyeom said, pushing past the couple to see bambam covered in bruises, not looking like the bright boy he was.

yugyeom froze up for a second, staring at bambam.

"yugyeom?" bambam asked, pushing away from the table, walking over slowly. yugyeom was quick to burst into tears, running over to bambam and hugging into him tightly, making the boy wince in pain.

"bambam!" yugyeom choked out, quickly pulling away when he realized he was hurting him. "what happened?"

"m-my mom she.. she hurt me when i told her about you." bambam said softly, crying as well. yugyeom widened his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief.

"i'm so sorry i couldn't protect you.." yugyeom frowned, softly hugging the boy.

the others walked over to bambam, all wanting to know what happened to him.

bambam gave them all a quick hug, before they decided to settle around mark's living room, wanting to hear his story.

of course, yugyeom had bambam in his lap, not wanting to let go ever again.

youngjae and jaebum held hands, hoping it was nothing too bad.

mark and jackson were holding onto each other as well, sitting next to jinyoung so he wasn't left out.


can this phONE STOP AUTOCORRECTING YOUNGJAE TO YOUNGER ?? is2g and jb to in?? jfc bro!!!

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