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bamgyeom date + markson calling. we out here. 😋😋 also?? i might make a new story, the idea? fucking cute as hell. but my writing? not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


"do you want to go to the carnival?" yugyeom asked, suddenly feeling shy around his tiny boyfriend.

"okay!" bambam smiled, lacing his fingers with yugyeom's and swinging their hands together. yugyeom simply nodded his head and lead bambam down the crowded sidewalk. 

the younger found it hard to take his eyes off of bambam, the boy was just too pretty. he was glad that the older didn't notice his staring, his cheeks heating up when the boy smiled at him. 

"what?" bambam giggled. "you've been staring at me for like, five minutes now. is there something on my face?" 

"n-no, you're really pretty." yugyeom mumbled, and bambam blushed. 

"y-you stuttered." 

"so did you!" yugyeom laughed a bit, making his boyfriend giggle again. 

"you are my handsome baby." bambam smiled, grabbing his face and squishing it, kissing his squished up lips. yugyeom smiled as his heart beat faster. 


"hola mi bebé!" jackson sang into the speaker, making mark sigh. 

"the spanish thing again? really gaga?" mark rolled his eyes playfully, and blew a kiss to the camera. 

"alright." jackson grinned, kissing the camera. "what'd you do today?" 

"i finished packing the rest of my stuff up." mark sighed tiredly. "it was a lot, but now that's all packed up, i just have to get it all shipped to my new house!" 

"where are you staying then?" 

"i'm over at my friends, so don't-" 

"OH MARK, YOU'RE SO TIGHT!" jackson hollered, and mark immediately regret having his computer on full blast. 

"JACKSON KA-YEE WANG!" mark screeched, lowering the volume and turning bright red. his friend ran into his room, giggling. 

"you didn't tell me you were a camboy." 

"you better shut the fuck up, lucas." mark muttered, making his friend laugh even more. 

"is that your boyfriend?" lucas asked, plopping next to mark. 

"hi, i'm jackson, and when mark gets here, he wants me to pound his asshole." jackson smiled, waving to the camera. mark groaned loudly, blushing as his friend cackled. 

"god, i fucking knew you were freaky!" 

"get out!" mark whined, and jackson was laughing as well. 


"um.. can i have that bear?" bambam said softly, looking at a cute plushie bear, hanging above the cute carnival games. it was the one where you had to knock all the bottles down with a ball. yugyeom didn't mean to brag, but he was great at that game. he was good at all carnival games, he liked winning prizes for his cute dates. 

"fuck yes." yugyeom grinned, slapping a five dollar bill down onto counter of the game. the worker smiled and handed yugyeom the ball, who just smirked cockily. bambam watched with interest as the boy backed up, looking at the bottles with intensity. he threw the ball and hit all the bottles down, and bambam grinned happily. 

"congratulations, what prize do you want?" the worker smiled. 

"that one." yugyeom pointed to the bear bambam wanted, his chest swelling with pride. 

"alright, have a good time." the worker nodded, taking the bear down and handing it to yugyeom. bambam giggled and pressed a kiss to yugyeom's cheek, hugging the bear tightly when yugyeom gave it to him. 

"yes." yugyeom grinned happily, holding onto bambam's hand and pressing a kiss to the boys head. 

"thank you gyeomie~" 

"anything for you, princess." yugyeom smiled, making bambam blush a bit. 


"okay, just for that, no sex for a week after i get there." mark muttered, his face still bright red. 

"aww, but you're so cute when you suck dick, giggling and smiling, why not?" jackson pouted, and mark glared at him. 

"okay, no sex for a week and a half." 

"wait no-" jackson gasped, clasping his hands together. "oh markiepooh, please don't give me a sex ban! i am very needy for your asshole!" 

"you're really weird, why am i dating you again?" mark sighed, holding back his laughter. 

"i don't know." jackson shrugged. "but i'm dating you because you're amazing." he smiled, making mark blush. 

"oh, be quiet." 

"i can't wait until you get here, i'm going to kiss you a lot." 

"that'd be nice." mark smiled, looking at the time. "okay, it's late here, i'm gonna sleep." 

"ah yeah, cause pretty people need beauty rest. go to bed baby, see you real soon." jackson smiled, wishing he could just kiss mark already. 

"bye gaga, love you." mark blew a kiss to the camera. 

"love you too." jackson waved, hanging up the call. 


"it's dark~" bambam looked around, smiling as the carnival lit up. he watched as a little squirrel ran around, scavenging for any stray food. 

"you wanna ride the ferris wheel?" yugyeom smiled, squeezing his hand. bambam nodded his head and the two jogged over to the line for the ride, wanting to get on quickly. 

once it was their turn, yugyeom opened the cart door, letting bambam get in first. the cart they were in was a lime green with white stripes. 

after they chatted a bit, they stopped at the top of the ferris wheel, being able to see the whole carnival, lit up with rides zooming around, and people crawling around it like little ants. yugyeom took the time to press a kiss to bambam's lips, making the boy gasp a bit. 

"wow." bambam shook his head, kissing him back. the couple continued to peck each others lips until it turned into a full on make out session, yugyeom's hands around bambam's butt, and bambam's hands running through yugyeom's hair. 

the ride soon came to an end, and the two got out of their cart, their hair messy and their faces red. 

"i think we should go home." yugyeom whispered, and bambam nodded his head. 

"i think that's a good idea." 

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