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unrelated, but i was playing look in my mom's car and i was like "THIS IS BAMBAM HE IS MY FAVORITE" and my mom was like "his voice doesn't match him??? are you sure you aren't mixing them up??" like what the fuck that's just so accurate


"okay, come on, let's go." jinyoung said, taking yejun's hand and pulling him off of the train. yugyeom and bambam laced their fingers together and walked behind them, both of them panicking a bit. 

what would their friends think of them, up close and personal? hopefully all good things. 

"YUGBAM!" they heard a voice shriek, and several footsteps slapping against the cement towards them. 

"YOU GUYS!" bambam hollered, and ran to them halfway. youngjae, jaebum, and jackson all enveloped the small boy into a tight group hug, all giggling and grinning like idiots. yugyeom chuckled and walked over to the group, jinyoung and yejun following behind. 

"you're so tiny!" youngjae giggled, and they pulled away to get a good look at his face. 

"ugh, first thing you do is bully me about my height? unfriended! and i regret telling you the wasabi joke!" bambam pouted, crossing his arms. yugyeom grabbed him from behind and pressed a kiss onto his cheek, making him blush. 

"don't be sad~" yugyeom cooed. 

"YUGYEOM." they yelled, grabbing him and hugging him tightly. yugyeom grinned and hugged them back, pulling away to hold onto bambam's hand. 

"okay but, of fucking course, the first thing we see our maknaes doing is fucking kissing and being the cutest couple ever? fuck, and i thought the pictures were too much?" jaebum said, crossing his arms. 

"honestly." jackson muttered, waving to jinyoung and yejun when they walked over. 

"wow, looks like you guys missed me." jinyoung laughed softly, embracing the quick hug youngjae gave him. 

"we've gotta get to the airport to get my markiepooh now!!" jackson said, and bambam giggled, which made yugyeom grin like an idiot. 

"markson~!" bambam grinned. 

"oh hell yeah." jackson grinned as well. 

"FUCK YEAH BABY, WOOOO-" jaebum hollered. 

"you just referenced the vine, fucking didn't you?" jinyoung sighed. 

"you know it." 

"i always knew you'd act the same as you do over text." bambam snorted, and jaebum ruffled his hair. 

quickly, everyone got on a city bus to the airport, not wanting to take up seats, so they squeezed in. of course, bambam sat on yugyeom's lap comfortably. youngjae sat squished up next to jaebum, their fingers intertwined, and jackson sat in between jinyoung and youngjae. yejun decided he'd drive home himself, so as of now, it was just the six of them. 




i'm getting my luggage, are you guys here yet? 




east terminal, by the luggage train thing :))


okay baby 😘😘 i'll see you real soon 

be ready, i'm going to give you a big fat wet one 

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