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oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! thank you guys so much for 3.4k reads!!!! i'm so happy you guys like this book~ tbh i thought this was gonna be a big flop but it's not!! it's even got more reads quicker than curly which i've had published longer!! thank you guys and look forward to new updates~^^ i'll always try and make my chapters nice and filled with funny-ness(?) for you guys!! thank you so much again^^ <333 and i apologize for the big spaces between new people chatting/sending messages, it's hard to read i'm sure, but my computer is very weird and gives way more spaces than i want it to!! so i'll try and fix that as soon as possible to make it easier to read^^ 



youngjae can you come over to jinyoung's house with me 


sure when 


right now? 


ok omw! 




are you gonna come pick me up?


nono we'll meet here if that's cool 


yeah that's fine 

see you in like 15 minutes 




jaebum's heart was pounding in his chest. he felt dizzy as he set his phone down and sat back in one of jinyoung's arm chairs, starting to hyperventilate a bit. jinyoung smiled sweetly at him and pat his shoulder softly. jackson came over and sat in the chair next to him, reaching over and punching his shoulder playfully. 

"hey, it's okay. it's not as bad as it seems, okay?" jackson smiled. 

"yeah well i'm confessing with real words!" jaebum argued, holding his forehead in his hands. "i'm so nervous. would if he doesn't like me and bambam was tricking me?" 

"okay, first of all, bambam's too sweet of a person to trick you like that!" jinyoung started, shaking his head and rubbing his shoulder soothingly. "secondly, me and youngjae have talked about this before, he likes you, he's just too shy to say it. so you have to step up and ask him out yourself." jinyoung smiled. 

"i-i know.. but still." 

"no buts, unless it's youngjae's, and you're fucking it!" jackson grinned, making jinyoung scoff and slap the top of his head. "ow!" 

"you hush!" 

"sorry, sorry, okay." jackson giggled. 

"whatever jackson, just be quiet." 

"we can leave if you want, while you're confessing." jinyoung said nicely, and jaebum nodded. 

"yeah, that'd make it easier for me, honestly." jaebum nodded, and flinched when the doorbell rang. "he's here, get out!" 

"alright alright!" jackson giggled, taking jinyoung's hand and dragging him over to the hall, so that they would still be able to hear the conversation. jaebum walked up to the door, nervously opening it. 

"h-hey youngjae!" he smiled awkwardly, letting him inside. 

"yo! where's jinyoung?" youngjae waved, smiling cutely. jaebum really wanted to kiss youngjae's soft, squishy cheeks right now. 

"um.. i don't know." jaebum shrugged. it wasn't a lie, he didn't know where jackson and jinyoung hid, and walked up closer to him. "i need to tell you something." 

"okay, what's up?" youngjae smiled still, ruffling his brown hair a bit. 

"i like you." he said, his face a bit red. 

"aw, i like you too jb~" youngjae laughed, ploppping down on the couch. 

"no, i mean, i REALLY like you, as more than a friend way." jaebum mumbled, his heart pounding. 

"i know, i like you too." youngjae giggled sweetly, standing up. "you're really obvious. i mean you even said you loved me when i sucked your dick." his voice was innocent and cute, and jaebum gulped. 

"oh.. wait i am? wait you like me back?" jaebum widened his eyes, looking at youngjae in confusion. 

"duh, aren't i obvious too? or are you just really dense?" youngjae smirked, pecking his lips quickly. 

"i- oh." jaebum gasped, grabbing youngjae and kissing him, but deeper, and full on kissing. youngjae sighed, and they fell back on jinyoung's chair together, youngjae straddling jaebum, but still remaining submissive in the kiss. jaebum groaned in pleasure when youngjae grinded down on him, running his hands through his black hair. 

"well, i thought it was gonna be more pure, the confession." jackson popped out, a smile on his face. youngjae jumped off of jaebum and looked at jackson with embarrasment. 

"where were you?!" he gasped. 

"uh, in the hallway." jackson grinned. 

"unpure kids." jinyoung laughed softly, stepping out next to jackson, shaking his head in a teasing way. jaebum laughed softly and youngjae whined in embarrasment, and then glaring at jaebum. 

"well, we'll let you two be. wanna get ramen and go, jinyoung?" jackson grinned. 

"yah- you bastard!" jinyoung covered his mouth, laughing. jackson just grinned slyly, shrugging. 


"you know what!" 

"well, do you?" jackson grinned more. 

"no, but we can go and get ice cream with yejun, he just texted me." jinyoung smiled. 

"sounds good, don't fuck him too hard jaebum!" jackson waved, as the two walked out. jaebum grinned and kissed youngjae's neck. 

"did you wanna continue?" 

"yeah." youngjae bit down on his bottom lip, going back to kissing jaebum and grinding down on him. 

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