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"skurt skurt!" bambam yelled as they walked into the hotel rooms. mark chuckled and tossed bambam the key to his and yugyeom's room, but was too short to catch it. yugyeom caught the key with ease and dangled them above bambam's reach.

"yah!" bambam whined, jumping up and trying to take them.

as the youngest couple messed around with each other, youngjae, jaebum and jinyoung were already unpacking in their separate room.

"jinyoung, i feel bad since yejun left.." youngjae pouted, setting a little puppy plushie on his pillow with a cute grin.

"it's fine, he needed to visit his mom in the hospital anyway! plus, it'd be kinda awkward." jinyoung smiled, walking over to the bathroom with a pair of pajamas.

"if you're sure~" youngjae said, pulling off his pants and a pair of fluffy, puppy covered pajama pants.

"you're too cute, twae youngjae." jaebum shook his head, holding back a grin as he watched his younger boyfriend.

"oh shush, im jaebum." youngjae blushed, grabbing his puppy plush. jaebum chuckled and stripped himself of all of his clothes except for his boxers.

while jaebum and youngjae got ready, mark and jackson started setting things up, such as games and food.

"mark~" jackson cooed, and the older looked up, furrowing his eyebrows.


"you never gave me that intense make out session!" jackson pouted. mark laughed softly and crawled over to him, pressing his lips against jackson's.

jackson grinned at that and pushed him to the floor, crawling on top of him and kissing him back, a bit rough. mark groaned softly at that, wrapping his arms around jackson's neck, pulling him down.

jackson rolled his hips down onto mark's, making the two moan in unision. the couple felt themselves getting horny, and as jackson started to pull mark's shirt up, jinyoung cleared his throat.

"am i interrupting something?" he chuckled, crossing his arms. mark turned red and shoved jackson off of him, covering his face.

jackson snickered and smirked at mark.

as jinyoung, mark, and jackson set up, yugyeom and bambam were setting things up in their room. well, bambam was.

"i brought my bear, my makeup, my brush, my toothbrush, my other bear, my-" bambam listed out, but was interrupted by yugyeom wrapping his arms around his waist from behind.

"so pretty." yugyeom murmured into the smaller's neck, pressing a kiss against the soft skin. bambam turned bright red quickly, looking down at yugyeom's big hands around his waist.

"yah, kim yugyeom." bambam mumbled. "what do you want?"

"you." he grinned, and before he could do anything else, bambam yelped and blushed more, dashing out of the room. yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed one of bambam's bears, walking out of the room.

"what cooking good looking?" jackson asked bambam when the boy arrived in the main room, doing finger guns.

"nothing is cooking when you aren't good looking!" bambam pouted, his voice soft and whiny.

"nani the fuck?" mark muttered under his breath, making jackson and bambam laugh.

"oh my god, you actual used a somewhat relevant meme?" bambam teased, making mark scoff.

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