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Summary: Killua and Gon having a lazy while cuddling in bed.
User-idea: AestheticTulip

Thank you for the suggestion.

The sound of the alarm beeping from Gon's phone began to ring at 9am. So he can begin the chores for Mito, to get a little bit of money to buy something for Killua's birthday tomorrow.

As soon he was sitting up on the edge of the bed to get ready for today, a tug on his arm kept him from getting off.

"P-please don't go. I had a bad dream about when y-you left me for someone else."

Gon turned around to see his best friend Killua, who was still laying on the big white pillow with a sad tired look in his eyes. The sound of his voice was like he was crying about a last nights dream.

Gon smirked. "Are you lying to me so I can stay with you in bed?"

Killua's face reddened. He nodded slightly, feeling a bit ashamed for lying and pretending of being sad to someone he loves most.

If he was telling the truth, he would've got up and hugged him from behind with tears coming out of his eyes; pleading Gon not to leave his side.

Gon sighes in defeat. He just adores the beauty of his crushes blue eyes looking up from the pillow. The way he blushes is what makes Gon love him even more, showing of how adorable he can be.

"Alright,  just for today to make you feel better. I'll text Mito to let her know that you had a bad nightmare. Okay?"

Smiling faintly and giving him a gentle look with his glimmering  hazel eyes; that makes Killua's stomach flutter

Letting go of the grip on the arm, so Gon can lay down facing Killua. Of course the sapphire eyes are avoiding the golden ones. Embarrassed from what he said earlier.

Killua spoke softly."I-I'm sorry for stoping  you. It feels like what ever you were about to do is more important than sho-"

Gon stop him.

"No, it's fine Killua. Nothing is more important than you..." Gon started to say, placing his right hand on the smooth and soft red cheek that is turning brighter. Killua looked up in shock with wide eyes.

"That shouldn't be a surprise, you should know I would never leave your side. You are the most amazing and beautiful person I've ever meet. Obviously I would never leave someone like that, which is you." Gon leaned in closer to were there noses are touching.

"To close." Killua thought with a beating heart. His eyes have no choice but stare into the bright eyes of the sunset.

Gon placed a quick kiss on the slightly tinted pink nose and rested his head on the fluffy snowy like hair; pulling him close by wrapping around his arms
around Killua's waist.

"Let's just have a lazy day today and cuddle; Killua."

Whispering quietly, while falling back asleep and embracing Killua in his arms.


Killua placed the shaking hands onto the broad shoulders and nuzzling his red beat face into Gon's neck. Who was also falling back asleep in a warm and yet safe embrace.

"I love you too much to be alone, I wish I could say it but...hopefully one day l'll tell you about my feelings... eventually that time will come."


Here's the completion of my first one-shot. I hope it was good.

Thanks for reading.

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