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Sorry for my absence for the past week or two. Been busy with school and such. I'll try to get back to it when I have more free time. So here is a cute one shot I had been thinking for awhile, of course I'll share it to get out of my mind and for you guys to enjoy.


Summary: Gon had received an unknown letter with a photo of Alluka hugging Killua. Holding her in a gentle embrace. This makes him slightly jealous, wanting to be in that same position as Alluka with Killua.


No ones POV

Footsteps from Gons boots leaving a trail behind towards a mailbox that belongs to his home. Seeing the red pole standing straight up, telling him that something is in the box.

Walking closer, stopping in his tracks, and opens to see a small white envelope. He puffed his cheeks, expecting more mail. They always put coupons for food in small magazines and food recipe books that Mito sometimes orders online, trying new things for the new guests now living in their home.

Sighing slightly, grabbing the envelope, scrutinizing carefully, and making sure it has the right address, but all he could see is his own name written in fancy cursive. This made him feel a bit addled, he never gave anyone his address to anyone except his friends. Who just text when they want to hangout.

He is still puzzled, who send this random letter with no address or the senders name. Shrugging those thoughts over, Gon opened it carefully, trying not to rip it, and a photo was found.

A photo of Alluka hugging her big brother named Killua. Millions of questions were crawling into his mind, unsure where to start. All he could think who send him the photo and why.

Will asking Killua help with this puzzle where he cannot find on his own be a good solution? Probably not, it'll probably make him angry and worried of how the photo got here. It's a nice cute photo of them, which will very convince Killua very well to not rip the photo.

He shrugged, putting the photo in his bag and heads back inside his home. Only to find Mito and Alluka making pancakes. Scent of those pancakes filled the whole first floor, causing Gon to droll.

A finger snapped in front of him, only to see Mito standing in front of him. Smiling at her dazed nephew.

"Killua is upstairs if you are wondering. Breakfast will be ready In a few." Giving him the info he needs and nods. Heading back upstairs to his room, who he was sharing with Killua. It has a one queen sized bed, two separate dressers, desktop, and. a medium sized screen T.V. They share everything equally and fairly. Most of the time.

Opening up his door, to see Killua sitting up, the same position as he was in the photo, reading a book. Gon smiled as the idea came into mind of that photo earlier, placing his bag down by the door and walked closer towards their bed.

Killua spotted Gon, giving him smile and put down the book beside him.

"Sup Gon, how was your trip today?" Serene blue eyes looking at Gons honey colored eyes, relieve that his friend returned safely.

"It was good, nothing new." Replying back with a small smile, a little bit impatient to hug Killua.

Something in that photo makes him jealous, only because Killua usually wouldn't let him touch, unless it was only a high five. Which makes him covetous. Only wanting Killua to himself, no one else. It is true he has many other friends to be with, but, something with a true and trustworthy friend changes his heart when being near. Finding it quite odd
and confusing. No matter, he is gonna tell the truth of how he truly feels for Killua.



"C-can I hug you." Asking a bit nervously, looking back, to see blue eyes widen, visible red blush painted his pale cheeks.

"S-sure, if you want to." He began to get up, "No, stay there." Obeying the simple command, slightly puzzled why he wants to hug on the bed.

Mind getting distracted, only now realizing he was being pinned by Gon, in between his own legs and faces mere inches away. Killua gulps and blushes more of how close they are.

"G-Gon? W-what are y-you doing?" Asking nervously with no response back feeling even more concerned of Gons strange behavior.

As their heads pressed against each other, Killua held in his breath, finding himself weak of doing anything at this point. Gon sighed quietly and slowly rested his head onto his friends stomach. Killua gasped of the sudden action, unsure how to react. Not long after, Gons strong masculine arms were now wrapped around his waist, tightly, showing no mercy to ever let go.

Even if he asked politely.

Killua heavily sighed in defeat, not bothering of getting out of his grasp, because he found it, comforting. Also embarrassing.

Reaching out his right hand, to rest on the fluffy spiked hair. Gon flinched slightly, the albino teen chuckled softly of his reaction and began soothing his hair. While the other rested on the back.

"You know, this reminds me of how Alluka hugged me when I meet up to save her, exactly the same as you are doing. I find it kinda funny and cute at the same time."

This alone made Gon feel happy, glad that Killua didn't reject his hug. This is also their first hug they ever had with each other for all these five long years of sticking with each other, with all these crazy adventures along the way.

The beautiful moment was interrupted by clicking sound by the entrance, revealing Alluka with a camera, a cheeky smile was plastered on her face. When the two teens faced her, she got scared and ran out the door yelling out breakfast is ready. The two were silent for a second and started laughing.

Gon slowly raised his head up, meeting up with the blue eyes. Smiling. "Your sister is sure is something, get it?" He felt smart making the joke, only to receive a flinch to the head.

"Ouch, that hurts Killua."

"Don't make a joke like that again or else no more hugs for you mister." Gon chuckled at the slightly red faced Killua, who darted his eyes towards the door, as for he was still being hovered by Gon.

"We should get going, the pancakes will get cold."

"Y-Yeah we sh-"

Killua was stopped, to feel a pair a soft lips on his own. He didn't know what to do, except to sit there with each other's lips connected.

They parted slightly, lips still close, Gon whispered... "I'm glad you feel the same way, Killua." Getting out from their bed and left the room; leaving a blushing Killua shocked alone on the bed.

Sitting back to cross his legs, placing the fingers that touched Gons soft hair, on his slightly parted lips, where he was kissed.

He never felt anymore happier, his first crush ever since they were young finally kissed him.

Killua smiles...

"Idiot, I love you too."


Aww this one shot is my new fav. I loved how it turned out. (Rarely ever happens with anything else I write).

To be honest, I think we are all Alluka when seeing our OTP in a beautiful moment like this.

Well, I hope you guys liked and enjoyed this cute one shot.

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