I just want to hear your voice

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Summary: Gon doesn't like talking on the phone for a weird reason, but Killua always calls him instead of texting. Killua admits that it's because he wants to hear Gon's voice again.


The bright warm sun arose from the horizon, lighting up the whole sky, going through the windows; everyone either pulled a blanket above their faces or getting up to start the day.

As the sun hits the pale skin, up to his eyes that twitched and opened. Lazily getting up from bed in the apartment, who he shares with his beloved sister Alluka. Looking over to his sister who tugged her blanket to cover her face from the morning sun. Killua chuckled and was getting up to start the day.

Taking a quick rinse in the shower, and drying up to put on his casual outfit that he worn of when he first met Gon at the Hunters Exam.

A buzz was heard from on the side table of their bed, checking one last time on the messy hair in the mirror on the dresser and quickly grabbed his phone; giving the phone a sad look of what's on the screen. It was a message from Gon.

Killua heart felt broken, remembering the last time they called-from four days ago, that Gon promised he would call later on a Friday. Instead, he got a text. Clenching onto his phone tightly, moving his thumb slowly to the open button and couldn't believe of what Gon wrote...

Sorry Killua, I haven't called you yet like I promised. I'm not mad at you, reason is that I'm not a fan of calling. Thinking I might be disturbing you and your sisters time alone. Last time you got mad for calling, as you were eating your Chocorobos and dropped them all over the floor. I feel bad and I'm sorry. I'll just text you for now on. Okay?

He just wanted tell Gon that was being an idiot, and simple minded nutcase as usual. As his index was aggressively finding the cellphone icon and stared at Gons name. Unsure if he should press it, shaking prevosly above the name.
Feeling his heart beating faster, sweat began to drip from the forehead traveling to the chin, then dropping onto the soft white carpet.

All these years hes been keeping a secret from everyone, including Alluka.
He was always the first one to call Gon everytime, in order to hear his beloved voice that he can listen to all day and night.

Blushing slightly from the thought of hearing Gon's voice makes his stomach flutter.

Killua gulped, standing up straight filled with nervousness and more shyness as his finger was getting closer to the call button. He knows that Gon is awake, weird thought of how much rest his friend gets. Probably not much, knowing him is because he wants to explore the world and finding new treasures with Ging.

Heavily letting out a sigh and pressed the call button.

Bringing up the phone closer to his ear and waited. Walking over to this sliding door to the small padio and leaned against the railing to look at the view of the mountains. Wind gently moved along with the trees from above to his hair, loving the view that he forgot what he was doing before.

Waiting patiently for his friend to answer, eventually Gon answered. Killua heard a quiet yawned from the other end that also made him yawn.

"Hello?" It was a quiet calm hello, this alone made Killuas face heated up to hear his voice again, after four long days of waiting.

"H-hello, did i wake you?"

"No, my dad is still sleeping in bed. He's a pretty heavy sleeper. So what are you up so early?" Gon casually asked in a quiet whisper. Trying not to wake up the sleepy father.

Chuckling of Gons quiet voice, he usually always hear him talk loud whenever he calls. So this was a surprise for him.

"Nothing much, I just got dressed and now I'm just waiting for Alluka to get ready, for a walk down at the park."

He waited for a few moments for a reply and heard rustling noises on the other end.

Gon spoke up. "Sorry, I just stepped out quickly to go outside of the hotel. So, what's up?" Asking in a concern tone.

Killua shoved his one hand into the pocket of the shorts and shrug.

"I-I just wanted to call you, you idiot. You promised to call me but texted me instead. So I insisted to just call you myself after I saw your text message." Killua saying all sheepishly, feeling his face heat up. Not wanting to tell the truth, he could've texted but he wanted to hear his voice.

"I said I was sorry through the text! What else do you want me to do?! Call you and get mad at me?"

Killua couldn't help but laugh of the sudden outburst from Gon.

"Hey! That's not funny Killua! I thought I hurt you some way, why did you laugh at that? How was it funny?" Gons voice sadden and got a little serious; that made Killua go completely silent.

He took a deep breath and is preparing to tell his best friend the truth. Clenching onto the phone tighter and placed the other hand on the railing with a tight squeeze; almost breaking the metal rod.

"Killua? Are you ok-"

"I just like hearing your voice okay!" Killua's face was tomato red and Gon was shocked of the sudden confession. "That's the reason why I call you every-time! I-I miss you, Gon." Tears started to form, a little drip down onto his hand.


They were both silent for a brief moment, only sounds that the two can hear are their beating hearts.

Killua wanted to hang up the phone, but later he'll feel really guilty aftwards. Even though he called Gon first, a gut feeling that Gon will spam him of why he hung up and call numerous times until Killua picks up.

"I just wanted to hear your voice."

Killua flushed. Gon was sad to hear his sad tone of his friends voice. Wanting to go through the phone to give the comfort that his friend needs.

He spoke softly.

"I miss you too, Killua."

The sapphire eyes shining from the tears fading. He didn't expect him to be calm and feel the same way as he is with Gon. All it matters that he can hear his friends voice again.

"Idiot, I wish I can see you again." Killua said as he calmed down from saddeness, back to his normal self.

"Maybe we can, look down."

Having a confused look, gazing his eyes lower to see a familiar spikey hair teen waving down from below.

Eyes widening as he drop the phone onto the hard cold floor and ran out towards the front to see Gon.

He couldn't believe his eyes, Gon standing right out the sliding door holding out his arms with a smile. Killua stepped near the door to open and ran out fast to jump onto Gon. Wrapping his arms around his neck tightly and Gon squeezed him tighter around the slender waist.

Pulling back for a brief moment, holding each other in embrace and smiled. No words were spoken until Gon spoke up.

"I missed your voice too, Killua."

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