Mood Ring

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I got a mood ring, a certain ring changes to a different color depending on how you are feeling. (If you didn't know). I thought this would be a cute idea to write.

Story: A ring transmuted in peoples index finger when born, indicating people's inner emotions and thoughts. There were many good uses for this, for example, figuring out if someone is lying or feeling hurt. Of course, many people hated it, like Killua. Who're emotions change when being around a certain friend.


Killuas' POV

Emotions show true feelings to others. Not colors. Symbolizing how we don't actually show inner thoughts. Why was it a good idea for such permanent object planted inside your finger? Absolutely not a good one. Many people have similar complaints, same reasons why a mood ring is the worst the worst invention ever. Who invented this you ask? I don't have a damn clue. But I did hear rumors about being a guy. Some say by a woman. Either way, still a dreadful idea.

Honestly, these colors always ruin the way people see me, like when my ring is white, (paranoid) they scurry away. Even though I'm in a positive mood. Not worrying about a thing in this cursed world, nor pissed off.

Or whenever I get upset, usually doesn't happen very often, unless someone steals my favorite chocolate. Who is which Gon does to make me move or convince of going somewhere with him. Sure going places can be fun, every once in awhile you need a break. Anyhow, my ring turns purple. (In love)I never had that color until he stole chocolate, happened yesterday though. What does it mean?

All well, I got many other weird experiences with this odd ring. I'll give a couple strange encounters with these colors.

Whenever I and Gon talk with a friend, my ring turns green. (jealous) Can't even guess what green is telling. Glancing once at Gons ring which is always blue. (Happy) Kinda obvious to be honest, he's always like this every single day.

"Killua!" Gons' loud cheerful call caused me to jump while looking at some cool skateboards outside a store. I turned to my left, seeing Gon running towards me with a huge smile plastered on his face. Wearing a ridiculous attire, with tight black jeans, blue converse, thin green sweater and a normal white shirt.

Geez, worse fashion designer in existence. People around him chuckled, not sure if it was the weird fashion or his goofy ness. Probably both.

A/N: (Here's a representation what Gon looks like

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A/N: (Here's a representation what Gon looks like. First art colored digitally. Been practicing for a while now. Yup, number two got erased a bit, all well).

Lifting up the right index finger to see what mood I'm in, unfortunately purple. Puzzled like usual, no meaning came in mind to think how I am feeling right now. I know some colors. Purple is pretty ambiguous to me.

Maybe Gon knows.

Gon was coming closer with each big step, holding a bright white smile, shiny glimmering hazel eyes reflecting from the sun, desperately wanting to stare in those eyes for ever-

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