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"So it's been two years since you made this 'pact' and you are just now telling all of us?" Yoongi asked dramatically.

"Yeah actually it has. We made the pact the day of you and Jimin's wedding." Jin answered and everyone gasps. They were all surprised.

"I thought you guys would fall in Love the day you met but I guess I was wrong." Hoseok spoke so softly it was as if him and Yoongi had switched brains.

"What do you mean Hobi?" Hobi made an O shape with his mouth while everyone basically glared at him.

"Well you see- hahaha- Leila and I made this plan. We thought you two were very compatible. With the way you explained your future significant others to us, you guys seemed like the perfect match. The only reason we introduced you to each other was so you guys would become a thing and fall in love. Not because of some pact."

"Oh wow, and all of you but us knew that? For these six years, all of you planned to make us fall in love?" Jin asked sounding disgusted. They didn't know the secret I have been hiding for five years.

"Yep, but it looks like it's not happening. You guys are gonna get married when Jin turns thirty, and you guys won't even love each other nice."  Jimin said sounding salty.

Leila then intervened.

"Actually Jimin you are very wron-" Jin ran over to her and muffled the rest of her words, I couldn't understand any of the words she said.

"You are correct Jimin, but I mean it's better than marrying at the age of sixty. At least we have known each other for a really long time. Right Joon?"

"Exactly right," I said putting on my poker face.

"Who knows, maybe both of them love each other, and just don't know it yet." Taehyung said writing down something on his notebook.

And he wasn't wrong, except I knew I loved Jin. Even if he didn't love me.

The Marriage Pact///Namjin Where stories live. Discover now