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I knocked on the door, and I heard someone say come in. I went in and the smell of food hit my nose. I smiled as I saw Jin poke his head out of the kitchen. That guy had the ears of a bat.

"Hey Joon!" He said as he smiled and I walked near him after I took my shoes off. He hates when people don't.

"Hey Jinnie." I made my way into the Kitchen and sat at his table. You could tell his Eomma had been in the kitchen.

Thinking of his Eomma, I thought about what his Appa said. I smiled and that's when I heard Jin asked me a question.

"Are you hungry Joon?" And god I was absolutely starving. But I just replied with a simple yes I am, and he gave me his special meal.

"So what did you want to talk about Jinnie?" I asked and Jin looked at me. He looked nervous.

"Well I wanted to talk to you because there is something that I've been hiding since we first met." He looked at his hands as he spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked and I was fairly confused.

"Well after some thinking, talking to my family, and talking to Lei, and more thinking. I decided that I should finally tell you that I- I really really like you Joon. You're so compassionate, intelligent, and humorous that I can't handle it. You are just everything I could ever ask for, and I- I" I made Jin look at me and his eyes were so beautiful.

"Jin, listen. I like you too." That's when I took his hand in mine, and filled the space between us by attaching our lips and kissing Jin gently and slowly. When we pulled apart, we were both full of warmth and giant smiles.

That day was the best day of my life.

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