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Author's POV

Jin and Namjoon were in the hospital because today was the day they went to see Jin's Eomma in the hospital. Her heart was failing, and they had to be there for her. Their twins were left with Leila, Jimin, and Taehyung because Leila had kids of her own and couldn't take care of all the kids by herself.

The two men were so terrified. They lost Jin's Appa two years ago, and after that Jin's Eomma changed. She was still the sweetest lady ever, but she was sad all the time. And today she had a heart attack.

"Kim Seokjin?" There was a doctor that stepped into the waiting room.

Jin and Namjoon stood. The doctor led them to Eomma Kim's room, and there she was sleeping peacefully. Jin's grip on Namjoon's hand tightened a bit. As the doctor left, Jin turned to Namjoon, and hugged him tightly. No words had to be spoken.

"Jin? Namjoon?" That was until they heard a weak voice. Jin quickly released Namjoon and went to his mothers side. Namjoon followed quickly on Jin's heels.

"Yes Eomma?" The men said in unison. She brought Jin closer.

"I love you Jinnie. Just know whatever happens, it happens for a reason." She kissed Jin's cheek, and then pulled Namjoon closer.

"Joon, I love you as well. Please take care of him for me." She then closed her eyes and smiled softly. She fell asleep.

Three hours later, Jin's Eomma passed away peacefully in her sleep.


"Appa! Lucy took my shirt from my closet without asking me."

Namjoon rolled his eyes as his sixteen year old son Lucas entered his office. (Yes they agreed for their twin children to have American names since both men loved America) "Lucas just let your sister borrow it. Your taste in fashion is much better than hers anyway. She is going on her very first date tonight." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" Namjoon said and Lucas left his office and made his way to his room. Jin then entered.

"Leila and Hoseok are on their way." He said, and Namjoon huffed. There would be more teenagers in their house. At least their teenage child had manners.

"We are here!" This was Hoseok, and I could hear footsteps running down the stairs. Lucy and Lucas were coming to greet Hoseok, Leila, and Leseok. Leseok was the girl who Lucy was going on a date with. Who would have known that Namjoon's child would have a crush on Hoseok's child. He chuckled as he got up and made his way to their living room.

As he moved from carpeted stairs to hardwood floor, he slipped, and broke the coat holder. He then heard his husband's windshield wiper laugh, and so Namjoon sat up and flared at him. This reminded him of something. Jin then came up to him, and helped him up.

"I love you Joon." Jin said, and took Namjoon's hand in his. He kissed his cheek and they made their way to the living room. They were met with Hoseok and Lucas playing video games, Leila on the phone with Jimin, and Lucy and Leseok holding hands and talking.

Namjoon and Jin smiled at each other as more people entered their home.

Jimin and Yoongi came in. Their daughter Min Jisoo, and their son Min Jimgi following. They were also twins. Lucas then paused the game and went to hug the two twins. Jin shook his head and chuckled.

As the last two people entered their house that's when all of them realized how lucky they all were. Their family was all together, and their family would only get bigger. They were grateful for one another, and they couldn't ask for more.

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