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Namjoon had just left, and I was the happiest I had been in years. Seven years ago, I met Joon, and he was exactly the person I was looking for.

*flashback to seven years ago*

I sat on the sofa with Leila, and Taehyung while we waited on Lei's friends. She talked about them a lot especially Hoseok. She said that she wanted us to meet them because it would be good for all of us to be friends so I agreed.

"Jin would you mind to help me in the kitchen? I really need your help with cooking." She was such a sunshine. I got up from the sofa, and made my way to the kitchen.

She was almost finished but she needed me to flip the noodles because she had no idea how to. So I did just that, and they came out perfectly. I smiled to myself, and that's when there was a knock at the door. Leila looked at me and she looked so nervous.

"Lets go Lei." I gave her a reassuring look, and we went together. She opened the door and we were met with another sunshine and three other males.

Leila gave a hug to the red head but only waved to the others. The red head looked at me, and I gave him a small smile. "Are you Lei's boyfriend? I didn't think she had one." He asked, and I laughed.

"Am I her boyfriend? Honey no I'm not because A) She is too much of a sunshine for me and B) I am a raging homosexual." That's when the room went silent. That was until the purple headed man looked at me. "Hi. It's nice to meet you raging homosexual. I'm Namjoon, and these are my friends Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook." He reached out his hand, and I shook it. That's when we all laughed, and Taehyung walked into the hall.

"So this is Jin, and that is Taehyung." Leila said, and that's when we all made our way to the kitchen to eat.

"So how did you meet Lei, Jin?"  Yoongi asked me and I looked at him.

"Well I moved to the states when I was 17 and I met her at school. We became friends, and we came to South Korea to attend college, and now here we are living together." I kept the explanation sweet and simple. Hoseok choked on his drink, and I looked at him.

"You live together?" He asked and I just knew this guy got jealous easily. I laughed.

"Like I said I am a raging homosexual, I like men not women." The table erupted into laughter once again.

"Sorry about him, Hobi just gets jealous easily." This time Jungkook spoke, and that's when he was hit by Namjoon. I laughed and decided to say something else, but Tae beat me to it.

"What is there to be jealous of? I mean Lei isn't interested in anyone else." I laughed slightly but I then hit Tae's arm and the table went silent. I looked at the two, and their faces were burning red.

"Well look at the time!" Namjoon and I said in unison, and everyone looked at us. We made eye contact. I looked away.

"Is anyone up for a movie?" I looked around the table and everyone left the kitchen.

We decided to watch the film, and it was a horror movie. Namjoon and I had planned this at the beginning so that Hoseok and Leila would jump in each other's arms.

As it ended I looked around. Everyone was asleep, so I got up to get blankets. I grabbed them, and covered everyone up. Namjoon was asleep as well, and I just took a moment to admire his features. He was very handsome. I then noticed everyone's phones were sitting on the coffee table and no chargers to charge them.

I found six extra chargers and plugged them all up. I then took Leila's phone to her room and plugged it up as well.

That's when I made my way to my room, and crawled into bed. I fell asleep right away thinking of my eventful day.

I felt whole again.

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