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We were throwing a party for Jin, and the booze finally arrived. I decided to stay sober so I could get everyone home safely tonight.

"Hoseokie!!!! I need to tell you something!" Namjoon came into the Kitchen and he looked the happiest he's ever looked. The only bad thing was that he was wasted.

"What is it Joon?" I asked looking up at him. He sat.

"Okay so I know me and Jin will probably most likely be getting married in an exact year?" I nodded smirking at the boy.

"And you know how you said we weren't in love?" I nodded once again.

He then leaned in closer. "Well Jin might not be in love with me, but I'm in love with him." That was the news I was waiting to hear. I jumped up and squealed.

"What's wrong?!" Jin ran in and he was completely sober, so I laughed hysterically.

"Nothing, Joonie just told me a joke!" I laughed and said it was time for everyone to leave.

"Hobi, I don't want you guys to leave I will be alone." Jin said looking at me. That's when an idea popped into my head.

"Well since everyone else is making out, Namjoon could stay the night." At that Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jin, and agreed. Jin agreed as well.

"Okay Bye!" I said dragging all the drunks away.



After Hoseok left, I was left alone with Namjoon. He laid on my couch watching a movie, and he looked so cute. I went into the Kitchen, and made myself and Namjoon some tea. His favorite tea.

"Jinnie?" I heard him say from the sofa, so I immediately left the kitchen to see what he needed.

"What is it Joon?" I asked looking at him. He looked at me with tired eyes.

"Can we cuddle?" He asked yawning and he was just so cute. I told him yes, took the kettle off the stove, and went to cuddle with him. He was a totally different person when he was wasted. I only saw this side of him three times in our seven years of knowing each other.

So I cuddled with him until I knew he was asleep. I untangled myself from the boy, and went to get a blanket and a pillow. I found the two items, put the pillow under his head, and covered him with the blanket.

Finally, I kissed him on the head.

"Goodnight Joon."

When I reached the stairs I swear I heard "Goodnight Jinnie, I love you." But decided it was just my imagination.

The Marriage Pact///Namjin Where stories live. Discover now