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Today was my twenty-ninth birthday. One year from today I would be thirty years old. One year from today, I would also either be marrying Namjoon or spending it with my significant other. Either way I would be happy.

Namjoon is my best friend, and I would settle for him any day, but it would be nice to find the one. All of my other friends are already married and they are so much younger than me.

As I sat on my couch, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I said, but no one came in. I sighed, making my way to the door. This was annoying. When someone says "come in" it means come in. I opened the door and was met with a surprise.

It was just Namjoon. He had two boxes of food, and a small present.

"Oh hey Joon!" I said a smile stretching across my face.

"Hey Jin! Sorry I would have came in but my hands were full. I know that annoys you." Namjoon said and I waved for him to come in. God he was the sweetest human to live.

"It's fine Joonie, I'm not annoyed now that I know." This was a normal thing on my birthday. He came over, we hung out, and then everyone else showed up.

"I came by to say Happy Birthday. I got you this. It's not much but I really tried." He said handing me the small gift. I opened it and was met with the most beautiful piece of jewelry ever.

There were actually two, but they were two bracelets that both had handcuffs on them.

Above the two it stated:

To remind you that you are stuck with me for life and to remind me how lucky I am to have a friend like you. Here's to another year of causing trouble because we are....


It was the most precious thing.

"Joon. Thank you." I said bringing him in for a hug as tears of happiness fell from my eyes. The hug lasted for what felt like an hour. That was until I heard "Awwwww" behind me.

I released Namjoon and turned around. There the two hooligans were.

Min Jimin and Min Yoongi.

"Thanks Guys you ruined the moment." Namjoon beat me to what I was about and the two boys laughed.

"You guys just came into my house. Be glad I didn't get my baseball bat." They laughed even more.


Jung Leila and Jung Hoseok. Those idiots.

"Why don't you people knock?" I went to my couch and fell dramatically onto it. Everyone laughed.

"Because we aren't Namjoon. We aren't polite." Hoseok said sitting on me, and I pushed him off of me.

"Well start being polite," Namjoon said, "that's the reason Jin likes me more than all of you." Everyone gasped.

"What about Jin liking you more?" This time Kim Jungkook spoke.

"I'm going up to my room. I wasn't prepared for all of this disrespect." I then sprinted up the stairs and into my room. I made sure to lock the door.

"Kim Seokjin. Please open the door." It was Namjoon.

"No. I'm good." I said trying to sound harsh. I hated when people barged in without permission.

"Please Jin? Look I know you hate it, but these are your friends. At least let me in Please."

I didn't answer.

"Jinnie?" And that's when I finally opened my door. He smiled and basically tackled me with a hug.

I laughed.

He let go, and smiled at me again. He took my hand and pulled me away from my bedroom.

"We got you a cake Jin!"

"Yeah it's your favorite. Red Velvet with cream cheese." I smiled and hugged all of them individually. Namjoons lasted longer than everyone else's.

"Thanks guys! But never, and I mean never, come into my house without permission."

"Yes Eomma." I scowled at them all, but laughed right after.

"I am too young to be your mom." I said and everyone laughed.

"No you aren't! You are going to be thirty in a year." Taehyung basically screamed.

"Speaking of thirty." Hoseok said with a grin. He was so obsessed with the thirty and marriage pact.

"What about thirty?" Namjoonp said being confused as hell. For a man with the IQ of 148 he is really stupid.

"Holy fuck Namjoon did you forget? You were the one who came up with it!" That's when realization hit him.

The Marriage Pact///Namjin Where stories live. Discover now