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I woke up and I looked at my surroundings. That's when I realized where I was. I was at Jin's house, in Jin's living room, and laying on Jin's couch. That's when I felt a smile creep onto my face. I looked over to find my phone plugged up on the charger. Jin was such a good person. Not only did he cover me up last night, but he also charged my phone for me.

I opened my phone and the notes were opened.

Don't leave your phone out in the open silly I know your password :p

That's when I opened my photos and saw the derpy photos of Jin. I laughed, and that's when the smell of bacon hit my nose. I didn't realize Jin was awake until now. I turned my phone off, and made my way to Jin's kitchen.

When I reached the Kitchen, I ran into Jin's clear kitchen door. I fell backwards, and just lied in the floor. Jin opened the door, and he was laughing that windshield wiper laugh.

"Well if that's how you say good morning." I said, and he reached his hand out to help me up. I took it, and I got up.

"Sorry I just didn't expect you run into my clear kitchen door. But good morning." He chuckled at me and I pretended to look offended.

"Oh wow, first you take up photo space in my phone, and then you laugh at my clumsiness." I was acting salty but I honestly wasn't.

"Yah! I did not take up photo space! I gave you a blessing!" Jin said, but decided to say something else. "Now you don't get breakfast." He then went to take the bacon off the stove, but I stopped him. He looked at me and smiled.

He then got out of my grip, took the bacon and ran. I got up and followed. I then caught him, but due to my clumsiness, I fell. Along with Jin and the bacon. Jin fell on top of me and the bacon flew through the air and landed on Jin's carpet. Jin's beige carpet to be exact.

Jin looked at me as my eyes widened. If he found out he would kill me.

"The bacon fell on the carpet didn't it?" I looked him in the eyes, and he didn't look mad, so I nodded my head.

"You are so clumsy." He chuckled and that's when someone came in.

"Oh my! Did we interrupt something?" It was Jin's Eomma and Appa. Jin swiftly pushed himself off of me.

"No Eomma, we were just joking around and we fell." She sighed in relief.

"Okay good, I would have felt bad if I did. Well Hello!" Eomma Kim said smiling at the two of us, but Jin's dad had a smirk on his face.

"Hi Eomma! Hi Appa!" Jin went over to his Eomma and Appa while I got up from the floor and dusted myself off. I had met Jin's family many times, and they were really nice and caring people.

"And Hi Namjoon!" Eomma Kim said sending me a friendly smile, and pulling me into a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Kim." I said pulling away from her she laughed and shook her head.

"You can call me Eomma. Any friend of Jinnie's is also my child." That's when my phone rang. I excused myself, and I answered my phone. I was called into work.

"What was that?" Jin asked, and I shook my head. "I got called in, so I have to go." And Jin pouted.

"Okay well bye Joon." He came over to me and hugged me. Eomma Kim did the same, and surprisingly Appa Kim.

When Appa Kim was about to pull away he said something.

"Take care of my son Joon."

And that stuck with me for the rest of the day.

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