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"You never told me you had a thing for Namjoon." Eomma said to me as I chopped the vegetables. I stopped right there, and I turned to face her.

She smiled at me. "How-"

"Jin, I told you. I can tell when you like someone. I have payed attention to you when you would have boyfriends over. You act the same with him." She said and went back to stirring the noodles. I was shocked.

"Eomma?" I asked and she turned back to face me again. "Yes?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"I don't know how to tell him how I feel." I said, and she wrapped her arms around me. "Jinnie it's not hard. Just know that whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Just ask him to come over when no one else is here and confess." She then lowered her voice. "Just don't tell him the way your father told me. It was awkward." Appa then came in.

"Yah! I heard that! But Jin your Eomma is right. I'm going to let you in on a secret though. Joon likes you too." My mother gasped. She was just as surprised as me.

"How can you tell?" I asked and Appa smirked. "Have you not seen the way the man looks at you?" And my Eomma laughed.

"You shouldn't have told him you silly!" Eomma then announced that much was ready, and we all ate and had a good time.


* four hours later*

I just sat there staring at my phone, and I was so hesitant. I knew Namjoon wouldn't react badly, but I was still terrified. So I before I called Namjoon, I called a friend that I could trust.

I called Leila.

"Hey Jin!" I heard from the other side of the phone. She was truly meant for Hoseok. "Hey Lei. I need your advice. Do you have time to talk?" I asked and she replied with a yes.

"Well I talked with Eomma and Appa, and they told me to tell him, but I don't know if I can or not. I am terrified." Lei then laughed and I didn't know why.

"Hon, it's okay. Joon won't react badly. I mean he might be a bit surprised, but it's not like he is going to hate you after you tell him." I nodded my head and an hour later I was no longer talking with her.

I felt a rush of confidence surge through me, and dialed Joon's number knowing it by heart.

"Hey Jin!" He sounded so happy, and that made me smile.

"Hey Joon! Do you think you could come over? I need to talk to you about something." I said and I heard him giggle. He was so cute.

"Yeah just give me like um twenty minutes and I will be there." He said, and I could hear him walking.

"Okay bye Joon." He then said bye and hung up.

All I had to do was wait. And then it would all be over.

Hey guys! This story is almost over. I am going to miss it so much. There are only three more chapters and then the epilogue. But thank you to those who have read/supported it.


— Cj

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