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*1 year later*

Here I was in front of my boyfriends apartment door. (Yes Jin became my boyfriend the day he told me how he felt.) Today he turned thirty, and he would get the best present that would top all presents. I knocked with my foot because I had food in my hands, and I couldn't open the door.

"I told you- Oh Joon sorry. I don't know why I never expect this. You literally do this every year." He then let me in the house and as I set the food down, I was met with lips on mine. I smiled into it and that's when my ears were met with awkward coughs.

I kissed Jin once more, and looked at my annoying friends. I hated them sometimes.

"I really dislike you all right now." Jin took my words, and all the annoying idiots laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Aww c'mon Joon don't be like that." Hoseok said and he came into the kitchen and threw an arm around my shoulders. I pushed him off.

"Don't be like what? I did nothing. You interrupted." I said and I heard a knock on Jin's door. He went and answered, and entered the last couple. Taehyung and Jungkook. The two are always late. That meant the cake had arrived. I ran to get the cake because Jin could not see it until later.

"No Jin you can't look at it. It's a surprise!" Everyone was guarding the cake while Jin tried to get it.

"Joon they won't let me see my cake." He pouted but I smiled.

"There is a reason behind it babe." I smiled as Hoseok began to play music through the speakers. I couldn't dance but I wanted to dance with Jin so I did just that.

Minutes later the cake was being brought out. Jimin carried it, and there was the box on top.

Jin looked at the cake in confusion. There was no writing. It was just a white cake, with a white box on top. I smiled and the cake was sat on the coffee table. Jin sat in front of it and blew out the candles.

"What is this?" He asked and pointed at the box. I grabbed the box and took his hand. We stood together and I looked him in the eyes.

"Jin do you remember?" I asked. He looked confused.

"The pact that we made over four years ago at the Yoonmin wedding?" Jin then made a face. A face that showed a look of surprise. He nodded anyway smiling about it.

"Well today you are thirty. Tomorrow is our one year anniversary, and I am here in front of you to ask you something very important." I let go of his hand and got down on one knee. "I want you to know that over these eight years of knowing you, I have come to love you. I have loved you for six of those eight years. Last year you told me how you felt, and I was the happiest man alive that day. Today, we are here to be even happier. I want to fulfill our pact, but it is now more than just a pact for marriage. This is our pact for life. Kim Seokjin would you please do me the honor of being my husband for the rest of my life?" I then sat the white box down, and took out an even smaller black box. I opened it and in the box sat a ring.

Jin looked at me. He was crying tears of joy, and in that moment he looked happy.

"Kim Namjoon. I would love to be your husband." I then slipped the ring on, and we shared a wonderful loving hug that seemed to last for years.

That's when there was clapping, and yelling. And then the biggest surprise came from behind the curtains.

"Finally this happened! Jinnie I am so happy for you." Jin's Eomma and Appa came out and that's when Jin really started crying tears of joy.

That night I stayed with Jin and it was the best night of my life.


Author's POV

The twelve people sat at the table happily. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Leila, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, Junkook, Jin's Eomma and Appa, and Namjoon's Eomma and Appa.

They all sat there at Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon's wedding. Living a happy life. This would be the rest of their lives, and that was the best choice they could ever have made.

They danced, and all together had a good time that night. That was another night they could call the best night of their lives.


Hey guys so that's the end! There will be an epilogue, and I hope you have enjoyed this story.


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