chapter 4- suprise

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"really!?? you can transfer?? when are you coming? ill tell everyone!" yoojung screamed as she was on speaker phone with daniel and jihoon . daniel chuckled over the phone. "i'll be there in a week and i'm starting school straight away" he continued. "so enjoy this last week without me!" he said which made yoojung laugh. "well i have to go sort out my stuff now, i'll call you later okay?" he told them. "yep! we'll see you in a week!" jihoon said then hung up the phone.

yoojung messaged the group chat and the two bestfriends made their way to the cafe, to see everyone waiting for them already. "guys, we have good news." yoojung smiled. "DANIEL'S TRANSFERRING TO OUR COLLAGE!" jihoon yelled out.



"how?" were the questions asked by the group.

"yes, really. he'll be here in 1 week! his parents heard that there was a good architecture department here so they let him!" yoojung explained all their questions in one sentence.

"this is so great!" doyeon said, daehwi and seonho nodded together. "we need to tell jinyoung too! he misses out on so much!" seonho added. "yeah well that's what he gets for following maya to her collage!" daehwi responded, "we need to visit them soon." doyeon replied.

"just one week? i can't wait to meet him" Mina mumbled, but it was loud enough for yoojung to hear but she ignored her negative thoughts.


"daniel? who's daniel?" haknyeon asked sohye. "i don't know, i was following jihoon and they were talking about him transferring her in a week. i always hear yoojung talking to him  in the dorm all the time. her boyfriend? i'd assume." she explained.

"there's no way, yoojung can't have a boyfriend! what about me...?" haknyeon began freaking out.

"it's okay haknyeon, we'll find a way. just try and talk to her, and do whatever she says, that way she'll be happy with you." she tried to comfort him.

"but why would she need my help? what do you think is going to happen?" haknyeon asked.

"i dont know but . . . something's bound to happen."


"hey yoojung!" sohye greeted yoojung as soon as she walked in her dorm, as if she was waiting for yoojung the whole time, which would be normal for her to do as whenever she liked someone she wanted to get close to them be, like them, look like them.

yoojung greeted back with a smile. "what are you doing today??" sohye asked her excitedly. "just going out with my friends.. as usual." she replied back, dull.

"oh with jihoon?" sohye asked, which caused yoojung to freeze. "how do you know his name?" yoojung asked her. "oh umm" sohye hesitated. "well you said his name the other day when he came over." she responded.

"oh okay.." yoojung replied, then went to her desk. she put on her favourite lipstick and perfume on before heading out the door, but something caught her eye. there was the same perfume and lipstick on sohyes desk too. she glanced at it then walked out without saying anything. "bye yoojun-" sohye got cut off bye the door closing.

"hey yooju-"

"oh my god" yoojung said with her hand on her chest, leaning on her dorm door. "you scared me" she caught her breath.

"sorry i didn't mean too" he explained attempting to touch her shoulder but he was too scared.

"what are you doing here haknyeon? yoojung asked.

"yoojung!" jihoon's voice interupted the two looked to where he was, he quickly ran up and stood next to yoojung, slightly pushing her behind him.

"jihoon what are you doing here?" yoojung asked, "i came to get doyeon." he replied.

"what about you haknyeon? what are you doing here?" he asked him.

haknyeon hesitated and his breathing got heavier "i uh-"

the door bursted open.

"yoojung you're still here." sohye came outside of the dorm.

"oh and jihoon, hi..!" she said shyly, which cause yoojung to come out from behind jihoon.

"look okay, we're gonna be late, let's go" yoojung said.

"no. so what exactly were you doing here haknyeon?" jihoon asked again.

"you're gonna be late for doyeon, come on lets go." yoojung said and dragged jihoon by the arm, and the two walked down the hall into the elevator.

Yoojung dragged jihoon until they walked into the elevator, she quickly clicked on level 4, Doyeon's floor, and immediately clicked the button to close the door, not wanting to be in that situation just then.

"why did you drag me out! he didn't even say what he was doing here." jihoon explained. "it's fine jihoon." yoojung responded. "it's not fine yoojung! i'm worried for you, if i hadn't come here to see doyeon he might've done something." jihoon  sighed. "thanks jihoon." was all she could say back.

meanwhile. . .

"that was close, thank god you came out, thanks sohye." haknyeon sighed and leaned on her door. "it's okay, just breathe, you'll be fine." she explained. "so, why can't we tell people we're related again?" he asked her. "it's fine if you tell them, it's not a big deal i just didn't think it was important that's all." she explained.

"anyway, come in, so we can discuss this yoojung and jihoon situation out." she said and the two went into her dorm.

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