Baekhyunaah you lied ?

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"Chanyeol-ah .. aaa... what are you talking about ? "

"What am I talking about ? Yaaah ! Your supposed girlfriend is sitting with another guy and she introduced him to u as her boyfriend... you still asking what am I talking about ?"

"Oh that ya .... mmm ... I ... aa.... have to rush home fast it's an emergency "

" you aren't going anywhere . Tell me why you lied in the first place ?"

" I don't want to answer your question leave me alone ."

Baekhyun turned the other way and walked of but Chanyeol caught up with him .
"Yaaah chanyeol why are you following me ?"

"Answer my question . What did u want to prove by lying ?"

"None of your freaking business"

"Fine I guess then if I know the whole university needs to know as well . It doesn't matter anyway right ?"

" Do whatever you want I don't give a damn"

The next day proceeded as normal . During lunch break every body had started giving weird glances towards Baekhyun . Girls were blushing for some reason and boys were jealous that all attention was on Baekhyun .

"Oppa " A classmate who was after Baekhyun since so long finally came to Baekhyun and asked him whether it was true . " oppa you really weren't dating Z.Hera ? "

" Stop bothering me and leave " Baekhyun was annoyed .

" opppaaaaa don't be like this tell . We were so jealous you know . You were so sweet with her feeding her food and all . I mean I deserve all that . You cannot date anyone else now ."

" I do not belong to you , just leave me alone and I'll date whoever I want . I don't need your permission . "
Saying this Baekhyun stood up and left . The day wasn't easy as girls had started pouring from all over on him . Some gave letters some confessed some just straight out asked him out . It was annoying .

He hated Chanyeol for this . That giant had the audacity to ruin his peace just for his fun sake .

" Baekhyunieeee how was your day ? I hope you were treated well ?"

"I am not in the mood to discuss anything with you . park chanyeol just get lost . You knew I get irritated by girls surrounding me all the time and you on purpose did this right ? "

" why what would I get out of this I mean I did enjoy seeing you torment but I am not so cheap . "

"Please save your excuse and don't you dare come near me again ."

Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun and got him under his arms so he wouldn't leave . " Baekhyun-ah why are u so annoyed ? I mean it's not a big deal right ?
It's only girls giving you attention . Can't you just admit that you like boys ? "

Chanyeol had again come really close to Baekhyuns face . They were staring at each other . Chanyeol was about to lean in closer.

" Baekhyun Hyung .. I was looking for you . Oh !!!!
Chanyeol hyung what are you doing here? "

" Sehuniee ? What are you doing here ? And why would you look for Baekhyun ?"

" Actually Hyung , me and Baekhyun hyung are friends and we do spend time together. And today we had planned to spend time at my place ."

Chanyeol had never been more confused in his life . How could sehun and Baekhyun be close I mean not like it's wrong but how come he didn't know .

"Oh ok I see "

So Baekhyun and sehun excused themselves and went together.
" sehuniee thank you for saving me out there . Really I was so annoyed I couldn't think of anything ."

"It's ok hyung . By the way  we are going to spend time at my place tonight ok for sure . And whenever you feel low just reach out to me I'll be there for you ."

So that evening Baekhyun went over to sehuns home . They watched a movie 🍿 ate food and played games . It was the most fun they both have had in some time.
"Hyung you don't mind spending time with me right ? I mean I hope it's not weird ."

"Sehunnie we are friends and I love spending time with you so please never feel like this ."

Baekhyun ended up falling asleep in sehuns house . It was chanyeol who came the next morning and found them sleeping on the couch cuddling each other .

"Yaaaahhhhh !!!!! What are you both doing ? " chanyeol screamed

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"Yaaaahhhhh !!!!! What are you both doing ? " chanyeol screamed .

They both got up startled .Baekhyun was annoyed as he hated getting disturbed in his sleep" yaaahhhhh you yoda who gave you the permission to just enter and scream at people sleeping."

"Why are you and sehun hugging and sleeping ?"

"Chanyeol hyung please stop creating a ruckus early in the morning . Why can't Baekhyun hyung hug me and sleep ? Does he belong to you ? No right? then please ."

Baekhyun left soon after and sehun went to get ready .. chanyeol still was confused as to why he reacted like that . I mean if they both want to get close he can't really stop them right ? And Baekhyun doesn't belong to him so yes he has a right to be with anyone he wants .

"Chanyeol hyung you  mind if I get close with Baekhyun hyung ?"

"No no sehuniiie I just overreacted a bit .you can obviously "

"Yes hyung because I think I like him . I mean I don't know yet but I really love spending time with him . He is so small and cute it makes me want to protect him ."

Baekhyuns pov
As soon as our classes ended I saw a very excited Sehun come running towards me . He gave me a tight bear 🐻 hug and walked me till my car holding my hand . It felt weird at first but then I started liking the way he treated me .  Nobody had ever  hugged me like that with so much warmth .
"Sehuniiie wanna go clubbing today ? "

"Sure hyung what time ?"
He was as excited as I thought he would be . So we spent the day together. When everyone was gathered we enjoyed everyone to come clubbing with us .The only person uneasy was chanyeol . He hesitated at first but then agreed to come with us .

Message from sehun :
Annyeong Baekhyunieeee hyung .. Are you ready ? I have something to tell you ok . I don't know if you will be angry or happy but it's something important at . See you tonight  hyung .
                                XOXO 💋

"Hmmmm something important ? I wonder what he might have to say ."

Hello babies how are you all ? I hope you liked my chapter .. I know this book is about chanbaek but my sebaek heart can't really leave them alone so .. plz anticipate the next chapter and support me please vote .And guess what only a week left for the release of the Japanese album 😍 which is releasing on my birthday . Yayyyyyyyy

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