"Its a HICKEY"

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As  i  opened  my  eyes i  saw  chanyeol  curled  up against me  his  arm  across  my  chest and  his  leg  on  top  of  mine. I  didn't  want  to  disturb  him  so  i  admired  his  face . He  looked  so  cute  sleeping   his  cheeks  all  puffy  and  mochi  and  his  lips  so  plump and  he  was  pouting. Well  i  should  definitely take  a  picture. So  i  clicked  many  pictures  of  sleeping Yoda .

"You  know  its  not  cool  to  click  pictures  of  your  boyfriend  while  he  is  asleep. " So  this  yoda  was  awake.

"Yaahh  since  when  did  you  become  my  boyfriend? Stupid  Yoda ."

"So I  am  not  your  boyfriend ?  Then  what  am  i ? Are  we  friends  with  benefits ? But  then  i  haven't  yet  benefited  from  our  friendship  yet . So  i  guess  i  should get  my  benefits  first."

"Yaahhhhhhh "  i  ran  away  as  fast  as  i  could  before  he  could  get  a  hold of  me .  We  got  ready  and planned on  leaving  .  We  stopped  on   the  way  to  eat . It was  almost  evening  when  we  reached  back .  As  we  were  in  my  car i  dropped  chanyeol  off  at  his  house .

"Hope  you  had  fun  Baekhyuniie . I really  enjoyed ."

"Yes  Yoda  i  had a lot  of  fun  too . Thank  you." 

As  he  was  about  to  get  out  of  the  car  all  of a  sudden  he  leaned  in  and  kissed  me  then  quickly  left  .  This  guy  never  leaves a  chance  really.

As soon as I reached home I called Kyungsoo up ,
"Kyungja , what you doing ? "

"Baekhyun-ah you back ? How was the trip ? Did you enjoy ?"

"Yes I enjoyed . We did a lot of fun things . "

"Ahh that's nice . So did you start liking Chanyeol now ?"

" Yeah kind of .. is it bad to like him ? I mean I don't know I really had fun with him and I felt really nice ."

"Why is it bad to like someone ? What's there to be confused , you had fun together , you enjoyed and you both like each other . That's it nothing wrong with liking someone . But be careful make sure your family doesn't get to know about this yet . It'll be trouble if they do ."

"Yeah Arasso ... Good night Kyungja "

So it was ok for me to like Chanyeol . But should I get close to someone ? What if I end up being alone ? What if this happiness is short lived ? Aaaiishhhh why am I being like this again ? No negative thoughts .

I was still struggling with my thoughts when Chanyeol messaged me....

Hi Baekhyunnie .. have you slept ?

Aniyooo ... I was just laying down on my bed .

Ooohhhh .... okey .. I miss you . ^^

I miss you too ^^ now sleep good night see you tomorrow.


Chanyeols pov

I couldn't help but smile seeing the I MISS YOU TOO^^ my poor heart . How can this even be possible ? We both fought like crazy and now we suddenly like each other ? Baekhyun liked me too . I mean why would we kiss like that ? I am sure I felt something electric that time . It just triggered me on to kiss him .
Oh god no please stop thinking about this . I won't be able to sleep . Aishhh good night .

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