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Chanyeols  pov

Everyone  made  their  way  towards  the  hall  where  the  whole  batch  was  assembled  .  Junmyeon  was our batch  president   and  a  part  of  the  student  council  came  in  with  the   professors  and  stood  on  the  podium  where  everyone  could  hear  him .

"So we all have an university festival coming up . We all have to participate in all the activities . There will be a fare that we students will organise . Like every class will have a different activity that they have to handle . The main goal of this fare will be raising funds for UNICEF . In the evening there will be singing and dance battle . The activities are Games , Book fair ,  food , Music and Dance . Now all of you have different clubs so according to that you will be allotted the activities. Which ever club is able to raise the most funds for UNICEF will win some price . Which is a surprise. Most probably a trip which the university will organise."

After Suho hyung gave everyone there duties he came towards us . We were all in the music and dance club for obvious reasons . So we had to start practicing hard .  Baekhyun was excited about winning  the price . I was worried about my dance .

"Guyzz I am worried about my dance though . You all have to help me ."

"Chanyeollie I will help you don't worry ."

"There's no need for that Baekhyunnie hyung  , I will help this yoda I am Anyways the main dancer ." Sehun obviously couldn't  keep shut .

"No thank you I will only take help from Baekhyun ."

"Just admit it chanyeol hyung you want My puppy to touch you ,Pervert ."

"Yes I want him To touch me all over . You have a problem ?"I looked at Baekhyun after this and saw him red blushing so badly .  He just hit me and went away to the practice room .

Kyungsoo has been observing us and gave us a warning which we couldn't ignore .
" if you two have finished fighting over Baekhyun can we go and practice ?  If we loose this because of you then I swear you both are going to have a hard time . I will make you clean my whole house  for a month ."

We ran as fast as we could to the practice room .

Authors pov

The practices progressed everyone was preparing for the fest . The boys worked hard making sure there performance would be the perfect one . It was  not only them who were preparing for the dance . Several other groups as well . One of the group was the girls group which Irene was a part of . She had been practising  late just to get a hold of chanyeol .

Chanyeol was in his practice room and his phone started ringing . It was Irene .
"Hmm what do you want ?"

"Oppa I need to ask you for a favour"

"What tell me ?"

"Come to my practice room Oppa then I will tell ."

"Sorry I don't have that much time . Then you can ask somebody else ."

"Okey Oppa  I am coming to your practice room ."

"Chanyeol" Jongdae said After chanyeol had finished his call. "Baekhyun left his bag when you come to the car get it with you . We are waiting near the car hurry up and come ok." 

As the boys had left Irene went into chanyeols
practice room .
"Oppa I need to practice my dance my partner has gone home . Please help me ."

" it's not my problem if you don't have a partner I am tired ."

Chanyeol turned to leave when Irene pulled his arm causing him to turn around to face her .

"Oppa it's not like anyone is seeing you now . You just have to help me practice ."

She started closing the distance between them by taking chanyeols hand and swirling on her toes into his arms . Chanyeol immediately  backed off and he wanted to scream but controlled his urge .

"Irene you  are not even doing ballet on the Festival don't try to fool me . Just go home and practice tomorrow ."

"Oppa can you drop me home ?"

"No I can't ."

"Waeeeyooooo ?" She tried acting cute and hugging chanyeol . But chanyeol  just pushed her away .

"What the hell has gotten into you ? Why are you behaving like this ?  This is not the You that I know . I still Consider you as a friend but nothing more . So just stop it now ." Chanyeol was angry he couldn't hold it in as this had been going on for quite some time . He wouldn't let anyone ruin his relationship with Baekhyun .

"But I don't consider you my friend." Saying this She tiptoed and kissed chanyeol on the lips .

"Stay away from Me Irene I am warning you ."

As chanyeol turned after saying this he saw Jongdae and Baekhyun standing on the door .

Baekhyuns pov

I couldn't believe my eyes . How dare he let her kiss him . Aishhhh .

"Baekhyunnie just listen to me please . It's not what it looks like trust me . I am Not at fault . Just hear me out please ."

"Hmmm No I don't want to listen ."

"Baekhyunnie she called me first and told me to come to her practice room but I refused and then she came to our practice room I was leaving she said she wanted to practice her dance with someone as her partner went home .So I ....."

"So  it's good you helped her dance . Maybe you should have let her give you a lap Dance ."

"Can you let me complete . Before she could start anything I  shoved her away from me . Trust me if I would have wanted to do all this I would have gone to her practice room ."

"Waahhh then why didn't you go ? You are welcome anytime to go to her practice room ."

I was so angry I didn'tknow what I was saying . All I know was the next moment he pulled me and held my shoulders tightly and looked at me  with pleading eyes , full of fear and anger .
"I didn't do this on purpose Baekhyunnie . You should  have some trust in me ."

" I do trust you it's just that I am angry . How dare she kiss you . Why is she doing this ?"

"She is just being childish don't worry we won't let her affect us okey ? Am I forgiven ?"

I couldn't just stay angry from him . I know she is as doing this on purpose . So I have to trust chanyeol . I smiled and nodded saying he was forgiven .

"Let's go home Yeollie . I feel like our lives are never gonna be drama free ." Holding onto his hands we left towards the car . Leaving an angry jongdae behind who had been forgotten in all this mess .

Hello everyone I hoped you liked my chapter . Sorry if I am late I have a lot of college work and exams coming so forgive me . Please vote and comment .. thank you .. byeeee

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