Chapter 5

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Jesse stood outside of his house, feeding his horse as he waited patiently for Ivor. He knew the ninja would probably drop from the ceiling and scare him to death, so he made sure to keep his sword by his bedside instead of carrying it with him.

It seemed strange that he wasn't already there as he had told Jesse that he'd be there quite early. Glancing at the clock on his wall just inside the window, he could see that it was almost noon.

He had hardly gotten any sleep the night before, feeling an awful pit take residence in his stomach. He just couldn't shake it.

Later, when Ivor didn't show, Jesse wandered down to the headquarters of his troop to check up on them. He was going over a list of supplies for an order when he heard two soldiers conversing.

"What are you talking about?" One of them asked.

"Didn't you hear?" The second replied. "Ivor, the Admin's spy ninja has been arrested for treason!"

"Really?" The first exclaimed. "He was so close to Romeo; makes me wonder who else among us could be a traitor."

"Who knows, but they won't get far." The second soldier assured his friend.

Jesse stood in shock. How could Ivor have gotten caught? He had assured him that he'd been so careful! No sooner than he'd set the clipboard down to leave, two soldiers stood in his path. The pit in his stomach grew as they glared at him.

The first spoke. "General Jesse?"

"Yes?" He replied, trying not to sound fearful as sweat gathered in his palms.

"The Admin wishes to speak with you." The second one said. "We are here to escort you to the palace."

Standing as straight as he could, Jesse told them. "I see, I will be heading that way as soon as I can. I assure you that I can escort myself just fine."

The two soldiers grabbed his arms before he could take a single step. "No Jesse, you misunderstand." The first said as they began to walk toward the palace. "He wants to speak with you now."

Jesse stayed silent. Romeo must have discovered that Ivor had spoken to him. He prayed to Notch that this wouldn't get his sister killed.


"Is everything prepared, Petra?" Romeo asked.

Petra nodded. "Yes."

"Good, where is he?"

"I sent some soldiers to fetch him." She informed. "He should be here in a little bit."

"Good," The Admin sat down on his throne.

Petra's eyes sunk to the floor. His plan was pretty extreme, but she didn't dare say that to him. Her hands were hard, calloused, and splintered from what she had set up for him. She didn't look forward to using it much.

"Petra, my champion, what is troubling you, dear?" Romeo asked, his voice calmer than usual.

Him calling her 'dear' always made her cringe. She had grown like a daughter to Romeo over her many years with him, but to her, he would never be her father.

Keeping her thoughts and emotions to herself, she replied. "Nothing, my lord. I was just thinking over the plan."

Before he could respond, the doors opened, revealing two soldiers escorting Jesse into the room. Petra waved the two away and with a nod they left.

Romeo was the first to speak once the room was empty.

"Hello, Jesse,"

Jesse composed himself and bowed. "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting with you, my lord?"

The Admin glared at him. "Cut the false sincerity, Jesse! I know full well that you are a silver-tongued traitor!"

Jesse's breath caught his throat. He forced himself to look up in mock confusion. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean."

The Admin rolled his eyes and waved a hand to Petra. Without hesitation, she drew her sword and slammed Jesse to the ground.

Jesse cried out in surprise, his voice mangled by the sword blade pressed to his throat.

"My time and patience are growing thin, Jesse," Romeo said, standing from his throne. "So, I'll make this simple: Did you or did you not converse with Ivor about freeing your sister?"

He looked back and forth between Petra and Romeo, nervously struggling with an answer. After a moment, Romeo waved his hand again.

Petra swiftly drew the blade of her sword back and sliced it down his arm.

"I would answer quicker if I were you unless you want to be nothing more than shreds on my well-polished floor!" The Admin said as he watched Jesse writhe in pain.

Petra pressed his throat again with the blade of her sword. "I'll ask you again: Did you talk to Ivor?!"

"Yes!" Jesse cried. He realized that resisting would probably bring more harm to Nikki than he. "I did."

"Finally the answer I wanted to hear!" Romeo said as if the experience was exhausting for him.

Petra got off Jesse and forced him to his feet. Blood trickled unattended from his arm.

"So now, traitor," The Admin said. "Your punishment shall be not only to you but to your entire troop for what you have done!"

Jesse's eyes widened.

"Tomorrow," Romeo continued. "You and your troop will gather in the square, and each and every one of you will watch your families DIE!"

"NO!" He screamed, struggling in Petra's grip.

"This is the punishment for your betrayal Jesse, and your troop will suffer alongside you."


"And how am I to know that with you bringing them all hope?" The Admin asked. "They could all be traitors! So why not take care of it all with one fell swoop?"

Romeo called in the guards and commanded then to gather all of Jesse's troop into their headquarters for the night. They would then all be escorted to the square in the morning.

The guards escorted Jesse away, screaming and struggling to get away.

Silence fell upon the room once the doors closed.

"Get ready for tomorrow Petra," Romeo said, "We're going to have an empty brig soon."

"Yes, my lord."

Petra excused herself from the room. She adorned a cloak and stepped out into the midnight streets. Old memories flashed in her mind, causing her to stumble as she ran. Catching herself against a wall, her eyes caught sight of a dimly lit sign across the street.

"Can I help you, weary traveler?" The shopkeeper inquired, not looking up as he sanded some wood.

"Hey, Jack." She replied, removing her hood.

Jack's head shot up, looking at the warrior with shock. "Petra! What are you doing here?!"

The red-head smiled. "Calm down Jack, I'm here on personal business."

The carpenter sighed in relief. "So, why have you stopped by?"

Petra pulled a pouch out from underneath her cloak and handed it to him. "I need a teensy favor."

A/N: There! Finally caught up with my Deviantart postings! I hope ya'll are enjoying this story as I much as I am! Thank you for reading!

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